
I Want To Be A Chimp :)

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After thinking about the whole enlightenment thing for a while I've come to the conclusion that it's not for me. It seems interesting. I just don't see the point. I'm a great person. I'm not experiencing suffering. I'm developing. I'm working on my career. I dont see the point of getting in touch with the nothingness. If nothing has meaning and The real me doesn't exist and I'm fooling my self right now with my thoughts thinking that I'm who I am so I think I just want to live with fooling myself. Meaning as long as I know in the back of my mind that its not true so I might as well enjoy life and forget about trying to "experience" the "no-self". If life is meaningless and empty so why not just ride this horse of a body till I die at a hopefully very old age? For get about meditating and forget about trying to realize I don't exist..I'de rather live with the illusion of self at least for while Im here. It seems dumb to try to connect with the fact that I dont exist...seems like Im loosing valuable illusion time. If its true that when I die I will be that same nothingness that I am now without the illusion of the body...I might as well live out this illusion to the fullest and then be this nothingness when I die. Why should I try to be enlightened now? For the feeling...well it cant be for the feeling because its not a feeling according to what people are saying...its just plain conscientiousness...not my conscientiousness..just conscientiousness...but whats the point in that...Leo will say..."point? points are made up and don't exist...your ego is trying find a point" or something like that. I think I'de rather be a chimp. The illusion seems better than enlightenment. The enlightenment seems like darkness.

Sound like a plan? Who's with me?



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But what about your true potential for the society and not only for yourself ?

What about working on something for the future and not only for today ?

And what about trying to adventure more in life rather than staying on confort zone ?

It's all in your hands !@TruthSeeker

3 minutes ago, TruthSeeker said:

After thinking about the whole enlightenment thing for a while I've come to the conclusion that it's not for me. It seems interesting. I just don't see the point. I'm a great person. I'm not experiencing suffering. I'm developing. I'm working on my career. I dont see the point of getting in touch with the nothingness. If nothing has meaning and The real me doesn't exist and I'm fooling my self right now with my thoughts thinking that I'm who I am so I think I just want to live with fooling myself. Meaning as long as I know in the back of my mind that its not true so I might as well enjoy life and forget about trying to "experience" the "no-self". If life is meaningless and empty so why not just ride this horse of a body till I die at a hopefully very old age? For get about meditating and forget about trying to realize I don't exist..I'de rather live with the illusion of self at least for while Im here. It seems dumb to try to connect with the fact that I dont exist...seems like Im loosing valuable illusion time. If its true that when I die I will be that same nothingness that I am now without the illusion of the body...I might as well live out this illusion to the fullest and then be this nothingness when I die. Why should I try to be enlightened now? For the feeling...well it cant be for the feeling because its not a feeling according to what people are saying...its just plain conscientiousness...not my conscientiousness..just conscientiousness...but whats the point in that...Leo will say..."point? points are made up and don't exist...your ego is trying find a point" or something like that. I think I'de rather be a chimp. The illusion seems better than enlightenment. The enlightenment seems like darkness.

Sound like a plan? Who's with me?




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You would have to change your screen name then, cos you ain't gonna be Truth seeker no more :S

Edited by Natasha

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33 minutes ago, Aldo Marchand said:

But what about your true potential for the society and not only for yourself ?

Whats the point in helping society? Why should I help them? I should just live out this illusion until its over and make the most out of it? My actions have no meaning. I don't really exist!

What about working on something for the future and not only for today ?

Whats the point? 

And what about trying to adventure more in life rather than staying on confort zone ?

Oh believe me I will do plenty of adventure in comfort for me! I jus think this whole trying to realize there is no self and that "I" dont really exist is pointless. If it is true that there is no self I might as well enjoy is awesome illusion while it lasts!

It's all in your hands !@TruthSeeker

According to Leo...nothing is in my hands I have no say in the matter. I don't control my thoughts or my actions. So sorry buddy but nothing is in my hands. 



For the people who think they know what enlightenment is and are trying to achieve it...why are you doing it?



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Not trying to achieve anything.. You ARE enlightenment, just haven't realized it yet. All you need is a shift in perspective. And to answer your question - for the benefit of lasting peace, freedom, and happiness knowing what you really are brings.

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13 minutes ago, TruthSeeker said:


For the people who think they know what enlightenment is and are trying to achieve it...why are you doing it?



for me i want out of suffering, fear, shame and guilt. if i hadnt got this intense suffering i dont think i would have the interest or motivation for this seeking. i think suffering is the fuel that fires the search in most cases. 

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40 minutes ago, Natasha said:

You would have to change your screen name then, cos you ain't gonna be Truth seeker no more :S

I guess youz right derr Natasha. Good Point. Ima bee Illuzionseeker :) 

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10 minutes ago, Natasha said:

Not trying to achieve anything.. You ARE enlightenment, just haven't realized it yet. All you need is a shift in perspective. And to answer your question - for the benefit of lasting peace, freedom, and happiness knowing what you really are brings.

First of all I just realized theres another thread similar to this.

Second...Peace? Why do you want that...whats the point? Why do you want peace.


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1 hour ago, TruthSeeker said:

After thinking about the whole enlightenment thing for a while I've come to the conclusion that it's not for me. It seems interesting. I just don't see the point. I'm a great person. I'm not experiencing suffering. I'm developing. I'm working on my career. I dont see the point of getting in touch with the nothingness. If nothing has meaning and The real me doesn't exist and I'm fooling my self right now with my thoughts thinking that I'm who I am so I think I just want to live with fooling myself. Meaning as long as I know in the back of my mind that its not true so I might as well enjoy life and forget about trying to "experience" the "no-self". If life is meaningless and empty so why not just ride this horse of a body till I die at a hopefully very old age? For get about meditating and forget about trying to realize I don't exist..I'de rather live with the illusion of self at least for while Im here. It seems dumb to try to connect with the fact that I dont exist...seems like Im loosing valuable illusion time. If its true that when I die I will be that same nothingness that I am now without the illusion of the body...I might as well live out this illusion to the fullest and then be this nothingness when I die. Why should I try to be enlightened now? For the feeling...well it cant be for the feeling because its not a feeling according to what people are saying...its just plain conscientiousness...not my conscientiousness..just conscientiousness...but whats the point in that...Leo will say..."point? points are made up and don't exist...your ego is trying find a point" or something like that. I think I'de rather be a chimp. The illusion seems better than enlightenment. The enlightenment seems like darkness.

Sound like a plan? Who's with me?



This is a valid course of action. There is nothing wrong with choosing to live the illusion. It doesn't invalidate your life and it doesn't make you less of a person.

That said, the egoic path is one of constant suffering, struggling, and unhappiness that you've become so unconscious of that you only occasionally notice it. This sounds like exaggeration, but it isn't. When I had my enlightenment experiences, I became myself again. All my pretenses dropped away and my self-lies became apparent. I was fully in touch with my being. I loved everything in existence, including myself, unconditionally. I could have felt genuine compassion even for Hitler, during those experiences. I no longer had fear of anything... including death. Actually, I was able to find beauty in the fact that I would die one day because I realized that I was a part of a beautiful divine cycle. Even tragedies became part of the beautiful divine order. I was in a state of complete acceptance, and wisdom sprung up effortlessly and I had complete clarity about what the best course of action was for me to take. All of the traits that I every repressed became conscious once more. It was a state of wholeness that even surpassed the joy that I felt in my earliest childhood memories. I had no more insecurities regarding my self-worth and I no longer based my self-worth off of my actions. I felt myself as an integral part of the fabric of existence, and knew that this was where my true eternal significance was.

There is nothing to lose from becoming enlightened, and everything to gain. You may feel some uncomfortable emotions along the way, but that is because some of the abstract notions of enlightenment sound very bleak. Enlightenment is the exact opposite of how it sounds to the rational mind. If you had any small glimpse (even for 10 seconds) of what you had to gain, you probably wouldn't be throwing in the towel. But that's just my commercial for enlightenment. It is truly just as valid to live from ego, if that is what you want. But don't let fear of the unknown scare you away.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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42 minutes ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

This is a valid course of action. There is nothing wrong with choosing to live the illusion. It doesn't invalidate your life and it doesn't make you less of a person.

I agree, also I can understand if you don't want to put the time and effort in it right now. It gets exhausting from time to time. But as @Emerald Wilkins also mentioned you would probably just need a glimpse of the show and the possibility of giving up wouldn't even be a topic anymore in your head.

Even if you think right now that everything is good in your life - and cheers to you that's great - be open to the possibility that society puts so much social conditioning in your head that neurosis will develop over time (it probably have been and you don't notice it) and that will generate anxiety and fear.

Just look at most elderly people. Here in Germany you either have complete neurotics, narrowed minded and totally closed or the very open people (that always did their shit different). Just telling, you can have a great life w/o enlightenment - I'm sure - but be aware that it's just your ego doesn't want to commit to the work anymore because it's hard.

Cheers to you and good luck, you are always welcome to come back (we will be sitting here for a good number of years - hehe) :P

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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talking and being convinced by others doesn't make you become enlightened. That's why sometimes I feel this forum is completely counter productive to enlightenment, anything anyone tells you is a complete fiction. The only thing anyone is really doing when they tell you something about enlightenment is pointing you to this "blind spot" that's all anyone is doing. Don't get advice and rationalize it away on the forum so it makes sense or it doesn't make sense, people can explain away anything you think and conceptualize and they will, why? because it's exactly what we are trying not to do, people have their own agendas and trying to convince themselves of things. Take what people, Leo and others and just use it in your practice and filter out what works and what doesn't (assuming you meditate everyday.) Everyone's at different stages in their development. This is a lone wolf journey.


Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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5 hours ago, TruthSeeker said:

I might as well live out this illusion to the fullest


You're wiser than you think. Many people get into spirituality as a mean of escape. They're afraid to live, and so they'll never get anywhere.

Go ahead, you'll come to it later. Or not. No Problemo.

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Edited by Neo

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33 minutes ago, Pierre said:

 Many people get into spirituality as a mean of escape. They're afraid to live, and so they'll never get anywhere.


What do you mean by this Pierre?  Surely once you gain enlightenment, life becomes easier and your limitations are lifted?

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I couldnt agree more.  What many people have failed to recognize is that, according to many traditions, once enlightenment has been reached it is difficult to return to the body.  In fact many qi gong exercises are designed to keep the ego alive.  

In other words once you have reached enlightenment you essentially die.  Why then are we rushing towards this?

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1 hour ago, ayokolomo said:

In other words once you have reached enlightenment you essentially die.  Why then are we rushing towards this?

My ego has given me a painful ride all my life.  It's not helping me.

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@step1 There's a point where you have to go at it with a full heart. And that is not possible if you feel you have to achieve this and that in life. It's going to block you, and you will carry a load of frustrations, fears, complexes, and finally, anger.

It depends on the intensity of your search. If it takes the first place, then no problem, the rest will follow, and very well. But if it's mingled with other desires and ambitions, you'll be in deep shit.

Look at Leo, he achieved many things before getting into enlightenment work. He climbed up the ladder, and now it allows him to get at it full tilt.

I don't know...where are you? Maybe you've suffered enough, and you're ready. You seem to have the right spirit.


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8 hours ago, TruthSeeker said:

I guess youz right derr Natasha. Good Point. Ima bee Illuzionseeker :) 


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8 hours ago, TruthSeeker said:

First of all I just realized theres another thread similar to this.

Second...Peace? Why do you want that...whats the point? Why do you want peace.


I'm not enlightened, but even an awakening makes you untouchable. Who wouldn't want that in permanence?

Also, check out this presentation. It's simple, light and fun, and you'll get some laughs from it too :)



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