
Paul Selig - Channeler

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I recently came across  a man named Paul Selig who is a clairvoyant and channeler. He has a few books out that he has channeled with his spirit guides and usually I'm very skeptical about these claims but the information that they provide have helped me understand my experiences in a completely new way. The newest book he has released  was quite challenging in some parts and have shattered some of my old paradigms. Around the 7:04:00 mark in the audiobook version they talk about ancient high level civilizations that were destroyed by a cataclysm due to their misuse of power, this almost lines up with Leo's recent blog post with what Randall Carlson and Gramham Hancock talk about. A lot of this book talks about the non dual nature of reality and how to realign yourself with your true self, if you approach this with an open mind there are a lot of great teachings in there.
This is another great interview, it starts at 46:00


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I also would like to know what peoplethink about Paul Selig, two of my close friends recommend me his books and I listened to a Podcast with him and was having full body goosebumps all the time, haven't found any posts about it here.

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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@MsNobody Not sure what  to make of him yet.


How do you know if someone is really channeling or not?

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I’ve enjoyed some of his stuff and found it useful. I think it is an interesting and likely positive small addition to my spirituality, but I would say it is best to not make it anything more than that. Personal practice is far more important, and God Realization is where focus should primarily be placed IMO. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Channeling is an interesting thing. I feel like some of my songs are channelled.. Who complete songs just come through some times. I just gotta get out the way

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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14 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Channeling is an interesting thing. I feel like some of my songs are channelled.. Who complete songs just come through some times. I just gotta get out the way

This. We are always channelling. Most of the time we are channelling the personality who at think we are. Or we can 'step out of the way' and channel something else, be it a song, a novel, a newspaper article, a spirit guide, or interdimensional beings who want to share light and love. 

At the end of the day, we are all channelling the same thing, it's all just colored a bit diffently, you know, for variety. 


(in fact this very post was brought to you by : channelling ?) 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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