
My Experience Of True Self

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What happened to me right now is unbelievable. I am still in the shock! I meditated with Do nothing and surrender technique. I usually set timer at 20 minutes. This time everything went totally different. I got into unbelievable satisfaction of my meditation process. Timer alarm notified me that 20 minutes have passed. I was in such a deep satisfaction and happiness that I just ignored the timer. I literally could not anchor myself. I heared noise from the garden, tap water noise. I literally was everywhere but nowhere! Could not anchor myself anywhere! I've never felt such an ecstasy! I just did not want to open my eyes. For long period of time thoughts totally stopped appearing!!! Totally 0 thought!!! In the end I just got frightened of my state... what if I'm dying?! That was my mistake... I opened my eyes finally and huge wave of satisfactory goosebumps run through my whole body! My eyes were very widely open... I couldn't close my eyes for long time. I was in total shock and couldn't move!! When I looked at the timer more then hour has passed and it felt like 10 minutes for me. I am still in shock right now. Haven't experienced anything like this before... I just felt the importancy to share that moment with you!!! Thank you!

Edited by egoless

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@egoless  It's Samadhi time! Consciousness void of all thought. Sweet!

I posted this earlier but if you didn't see it, here it is again . Maybe you can relate your experience to what is described here?

What is Samadhi?

Samadhi is a spiritual experience that opens us to the highest state of consciousness and inner bliss.  It is stepping into your enlightened nature that is free from all suffering.  Samadhi is found through diving into a consistent state of pure consciousness, that is void of attachment to any thought.  Samadhi is a deep personal, intimate merging with the divine inside you and all around you.  It is being unified with the Universe through your consciousness. 

When one reaches Samadhi there is a deep knowing that all is one, and that "oneness" is at the core of who you are.  Samadhi gives you a moment to moment spiritual experience that is opening, trusting and softening into each new moment of your life.  Samadhi is the eternally expanding realization that your ego is not real, and that you (the soul, spirit and divine essence) are what is truly real and will never die.

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18 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@egoless  It's Samadhi time! Consciousness void of all thought. Sweet!

I posted this earlier but if you didn't see it, here it is again . Maybe you can relate your experience to what is described here?

What is Samadhi?

Samadhi is a spiritual experience that opens us to the highest state of consciousness and inner bliss.  It is stepping into your enlightened nature that is free from all suffering.  Samadhi is found through diving into a consistent state of pure consciousness, that is void of attachment to any thought.  Samadhi is a deep personal, intimate merging with the divine inside you and all around you.  It is being unified with the Universe through your consciousness. 

When one reaches Samadhi there is a deep knowing that all is one, and that "oneness" is at the core of who you are.  Samadhi gives you a moment to moment spiritual experience that is opening, trusting and softening into each new moment of your life.  Samadhi is the eternally expanding realization that your ego is not real, and that you (the soul, spirit and divine essence) are what is truly real and will never die.

Thanks for that description. I am still figuring out what happened to me. My current state is being stabilized from the shock. I will do everything to get back where I was. I really think that I've experienced my true self for some limited time period. I can't even express that inner satisfaction I got from it. It is unbelievable! So this is really True... Up until now I still had some suspicions... Now I know where I want to be, what I want to chase in my life...

Edited by egoless

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Nice.  That's what I love about meditation.  Every once in a while you get that really great session.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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40 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Nice.  That's what I love about meditation.  Every once in a while you get that really great session.

That experience made my motivation skyrocket! I think I will never skip any day after this! 

Edited by egoless

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@egoless It's a tiny glimpse.

Careful though, about chasing mystical states. That can be a big distraction. Your present experience -- regardless of state -- is already nondual. The most important thing is to realize that, so that you are conscious of nonduality 24/7, regardless of state.

The Absolute is the Absolute always. It's true right now. It's was true during meditation. It's true after meditation. It's true while you're on the toilet. It's true when you're angry. It's true when you're happy. It's true when you're miserable.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@egoless It's a tiny glimpse.

Careful though, about chasing mystical states. That can be a big distraction. Your present experience -- regardless of state -- is already nondual. The most important thing is to realize that, so that you are conscious of nonduality 24/7, regardless of state.

If that was tiny glimpse - I can't even imagine what full realization would do with me. What do you suggest me to do after this? Any advise to keep on track and don't mislead myself? 

Why it was so frightening in the end? I was in such an ecstatic state that it frightened me... If I did not open my eyes I think I could continue like that eternally.

Edited by egoless

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14 minutes ago, egoless said:

If that was tiny glimpse - I can't even imagine what full realization would do with me. What do you suggest me to do after this? Any advise to keep on track and don't mislead myself? 

Why it was so frightening in the end? I was in such an ecstatic state that it frightened me... If I did not open my eyes I think I could continue like that eternally.

That's right. You cannot imagine Absolute Infinity.

Just keep self-inquiring. Obviously whatever you're been doing has been working. So keep working it without getting too cocky or clingy about it.

God is terrifying. It's the death of you. The Devil is scared to death of God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's right. You cannot imagine Absolute Infinity.

Just keep self-inquiring. Obviously whatever you're been doing has been working. So keep working it without getting too cocky or clingy about it.

God is terrifying. It's the death of you.

Leo thank you for everything you are doing for us and yourself! Thank you for being so authentic and real! 

Edited by egoless

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wow, sounds like a wonderful experience you had there! :x 

but why did you think about death during such a blissful moment? did it feel like dying, or was it just a thought?

whatever arises, love that

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This can be achieved by using psychedelics especially the 2c-b, it's totally normal, you just got to some state when your Serotonin (the hormone of happiness) levels were raised very high, it's only about chemicals. That's because ideas affect your brain and your brain stimulates (or inhibits) the secretion of various chemicals.

It's still about hallucinations. It feels so strong that you can't distinguish it from your sense of reality through the rest of your time.

It has nothing to do with the Truth.

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's right. You cannot imagine Absolute Infinity.

@Leo Gura I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now. I've experienced that 'mystical' Samadhi like state of total bliss. While in that state of union I consciously surrendered even that -as beautiful as it was. You could say I than fell through it. What happened next is I became absorbed into the absolute. It was beyond conscious experience. I literally vanished into non existence. As if frames where missing from that part of the movie reel. So when you say 'you can't imagine absolute infinity.' that's true from my 'non experience' of the absolute. But I have a feeling that's not quite what you experienced by your description of the absolute. So I'm a little confused here. My 'experience' of the absolute is there is no experience of the absolute. So I'm just wondering what that is? Am I missing something there? This is the reason I have been listening to Nisargadatta lately. I can directly relate to when he says 'the absolute does not know itself, it is beyond consciousness (turiyatita). So I'm wondering, is there an awareness beyond conscious experience that is able to access the absolute in some way? If you could help me with this one that would be great.  Maybe-just maybe, I could experience the absolute that lies beyond Samadhi without the help of 5-meo? Maybe I'm missing something right in front of me. Thanks    


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2 hours ago, phoenix666 said:

wow, sounds like a wonderful experience you had there! :x 

but why did you think about death during such a blissful moment? did it feel like dying, or was it just a thought?

No it did not feel like dying. I felt so good that I couldn't believe it was possible. Idk I had thoughts in the end that if I don't open my eyes I can never return from that state and get kind of stuck in it. Guess it was my ego trying to survive.

2 hours ago, Mahmoud Bishr Kebbeh said:


This can be achieved by using psychedelics especially the 2c-b, it's totally normal, you just got to some state when your Serotonin (the hormone of happiness) levels were raised very high, it's only about chemicals. That's because ideas affect your brain and your brain stimulates (or inhibits) the secretion of various chemicals.

It's still about hallucinations. It feels so strong that you can't distinguish it from your sense of reality through the rest of your time.

It has nothing to do with the Truth.

Man you did not read my report at all... I was not on any psychedelics, I was just meditating. Do you know what Do nothing and surrender meditation techniques mean? You don't think, you do nothing you just surrender to the present moment. As I said I had completely 0 thoughts appearing in my mind at some point. So your theory about my ideas is wrong. You are stuck in mental masturbation again. You don't know what I experienced, you are just making ideas and beliefs again for yourself. If you are not interested in the Truth just continue your normal life that is part of reality as well.

But.. if you are interested then I suggest you to try this.



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Lol, I know exactly what I'm talking about. And I read your post very well, but you got me wrong.

At some point of one's meditation progress, they'll be able to shift their chemicals balances, which causes effects exactly as psychedelics'.

Again, it has nothing to do with the Truth. It's only about altering your perception of reality.

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8 minutes ago, Mahmoud Bishr Kebbeh said:


Lol, I know exactly what I'm talking about. And I read your post very well, but you got me wrong.

At some point of one's meditation progress, they'll be able to shift their chemicals balances, which causes effects exactly as psychedelics'.

Again, it has nothing to do with the Truth. It's only about altering your perception of reality.

Let me tell you - you are wasting your time. Instead of that arguing which leads nowhere why don't you try with that guided meditation? (But only do it when you feel you are open to new possibilities)

Edited by egoless

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@ajasatya Haha after that you discover that the ‘you’ cannot be kept up and is completely free from any experience but at the same time intimately one with it  

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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This is insane! What I'm doing with my meditations. It seems like I'm fully mastering the surrender principle. Third day in a row after that experience I get insanely deep meditations which are not only deep and profound but very satisfactory at the same time! Idk what shifted in me but I used to struggle to even meditate for 15 minutes now I don't even want to open my eyes anymore! Today I easily gone more than one hour. I ignored my 20 minalarm again and went deeper! In my approximate calculations after 40 mins I got into very deep trance like being. Boundaries between my body and external environment sort of completely disappeared. Again 0 thoughts and complete stillness in my mind! At some point I started to disolve in some darkness which felt I was disappearing in the present moment of being. I don't know it's very hard to describe. It felt like very close to awakening - like you were at the bottom of ocean holding breath for very long time  and when you can't hold any longer you are quickly trying to reach the surface to breathe again. I was like that! It felt like I was close to reach that surface of my real existance and start breathing for real! But I couldn't! I stayed 20 more minutes in that ecstasic state and then realised that I couldn't really reach that surface yet with this season so I opened my eyes... Again shock, wide open eyes, very fast heartbeat! What's happening with me...

Edited by egoless

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6 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@egoless Whatever it is don't cling to any state. Acknowledge it and let it go.

That's the point I completely surrender to it. At that point I'm not even controlling anything 

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