
Meditation And Music

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can I listen to music while meditating ? 

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Yeah you can listen to some music, you can listen to your favorite songs while meditating, you can listen to meditation music, like zen music, Tibetan music ect. You can listen to your environment, the birds, the cars, water dripping. You can meditate while smoking, swimming, walking, listening to an audio book, someone speaking, on the train, planes, buses. and you can listen to your own silents. As you grow more & more in you meditation practice you might naturally Orient yourself to listening to silents itself. 

Go nuts!

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I've been meditating with this one for years. Although I do both, I still prefer it over silence. 


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@DoubleYou I am subscribed to that channel but didn't hear that one. It's amazing! Thank you.

Here's another from me.

@momo In the begining I was better able to meditate with some background meditation music, so I recommend it if you're a beginner.

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