
Started Creating. Need Your Feedback!

9 posts in this topic

Hey all

So I spun my wheels for some time but now I am finally on full charge and have started pumping out content. I have created some Youtube Videos and a blog.

I would love to hear your feedback, so if you have a chance I would kindly appreciate it!

Here is my channel:

Here is my blog:


They are both in their infancy, so please keep that in mind.

Thanks guys! I really appreciate it.

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Custom thumbnails is something I strongly recommend, I made this one and my video is horrible but the thumbnail gets you attentions. So people will watch it and you get views so more people watch it and so on.


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Thanks for the feedback guys! :x


Edited by abgespaced

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Best advice is keep going! So man you people start YouTube than stop after a year as it's growing slowly, not knowing that they could have made it if they kept going, subscriber growth may look like this.


year 1 500 subscribers

year 2 1000 subscribers

year 3 5000 subscribers

year 4 25000 subscribers

year 5 80000 subscribers.


notice how it goes exponentially. As long as you're having fun and doing your best your going to have a good outcome from your channel, just keep going! 

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