Joseph Maynor

What Kind Of Control Does Awareness Give Us, And Is It A Kind Of Indirect Causation?

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It seems like our awareness is distracted a lot.  But when it's on point, awareness can cause the dream to self-correct in a manner that improves it.  How does this cause/effect relation work, and why is there this relation between awareness and the dream?

I say indirect causation because awareness alone doesn't actually do anything.  The dream auto-corrects sometimes in light of on-point awareness, that's the proper relation.  

I like this video from Leo because in parts it reminds me of "applied awareness."   How to use awareness to auto-correct suffering.


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor

The "heightened Awareness" or flame of attention gives one the freedom to see in real time what is really occurring in ones life. The "auto correct" as you say, is a result of clarity and intelligence. If something is seen as inappropriate or unnecessary then naturally we will stop doing it. If we become conscious that we are creating the anger that we feel when someone cuts us off, or the anxiety that we feel in a social setting, then we have the freedom to stop creating these unnecessary limitations in our experience. 

awareness is distracted a lot for someone who has no interest in these things, for the one who has the fire of discovery & inquiry in there heart then there consciousness will increase, its inevitable.

Direct consciousness will not change anything in experience, but gives one the Freedom to change anything in experience. Don't confuse consciousness with transformation.

The relationship between "awareness & dream" is that they are not 2 things.

Consciousness and objective existence are the same thing & share the same place. So you can see how one effects the other. 

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On 9/27/2017 at 2:13 PM, Hero in progress said:

Direct consciousness will not change anything in experience, but gives one the Freedom to change anything in experience. Don't confuse consciousness with transformation.

Can you please elaborate on this?  

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@Joseph Maynor


The truth is about what already is, what is already so. So it doesn't change anything for you, because its already true whether we are conscious of it or not. So nothing has to change in your experience for the truth to already be the case. To put it another way the truth doesn't provide you with anything you don't already have.

On the other hand transformation is a proccess that occurs over time. Changing your experience, changing your self experience, your mind, the context in which reality is held and so on. All this stuff has to be changed deliberately. That is to say the truth can provide the consciousness in which to change these things but one has to do that for themselves.

For example if you have a enlightenment experience, some things might fall away, some assumptions & beliefs for example, but chances are, after that is over you will go back into the exact same self experience and way of experiencing life you did before the enlightenment. And also the knowing and memory of what you found out during that enlightenment. It may change the way you hold yourself now, and your view of reality but generally speaking your life will be pretty much the same.

But the more & more conscious you become, with ever deepening enlightenments the more your ability to completely transform your way of experiencing life becomes.

That is to say someone who has had their first enlightenment or two is not gona experience a completely transformed way of life like the Buddha, that takes time with a ever deepening consciousness of experience & self ect.

So you can see from this that if you want a completely transformed way of life, with complete freedom, no suffering, to be able to transcend self survival, transform your emotions, the way you relate to others, the wisdom you have, your ability to see the non dual nature of life and so on. Will take a deliberate effort on your part, deep investigation, into your own experience, to be able to change the form of your experience. Enlightenment is the realisation of The nature of your experience, the isness of experience, but does not change the experience. Isness & change are two different things.

That's not to say though that your experience won't change in some way after very deep enlightenments.

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This video, although a bit cheesy, goes about the power of awarenes without intending it :) 
Especially the end, shows the kind of "power" or "control" awareness enables. It's the video i talked about earlier.
But i warn you, it's super cheesy, i usually would  not watch this kinda stuff.



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