
What Is Hate?

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Hate can be percieved in so many ways, I wish to know all of the perceptions. Why is it here? Why does it stay? How does it perpetriates itself? How does one break it? 

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18 minutes ago, Progress said:

Why is it [hate] here?

Because our relative world works in certain structures. So for example if I let my laptop fall on my foot, I'll feel a very intense feeling in my foot. No reason why, that's just how this dynamic of relativity expresses itself. The very same way when something falls on the ground, as a human with the gift of hearing you hear a sound. So why is hate here? It is here because it's part of a dynamic. And one perspective on this dynamic would describe it the following way: Hate begins to express itself in a human being if one holds on to a concept and it is shown not to be real. Note, that sadness or fear could also arise from that situation. How can that be? Instead of asking why, look at how hate expresses itself, when it and in which dynamic it comes up.

27 minutes ago, Progress said:

Why does it stay?

Because the human being still doesn't let go of the concept he is holding. So, it can be shown to be not real again and produce hate. Again, look rather at how can something be persistent instead of why.

28 minutes ago, Progress said:

How does one break it? 

You release hate when it comes up, you recognize it, you ask into yourself "why do I feel hate?", listen to the answer and then release that part of your world view. You can do that with any emotion that comes up.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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@Progress  You should look into this in your direct experience, what is hate?

Surely when we hate something it is because it threatens us in some way, you may hate rudeness, or terrorist, or someone that rubs us up the wrong way.

Hate is there to unsure that we avoid, ignore, fight, or oppose that which is in some way threatening our self survival.

Why do emotions occur? Is not the purpose of emotions to move us in a particular way, something jumps out the bushes when I am walking in nature, and the emotion of fear or anxiety comes up, this then manipulates me to run, or fend off the possible threat. When I say manipulate I mean "create a particular response" this response is there to "move" me or get me to relate to the particular situation in a way that is consistent with my self survival.

Hate is something deemed an appropriate response by one "Self" in relation to something ( a person, a situation ect) 

The emotion of hate is saying to you "look this thing over there is a threat, its not good for you, I hate it, stay away from it" ect. So you see from this that hate just like every other emotions is there to push you to respond in a way consistent with your survival & well being.

When one has enough consciousness of emotions then we will consciously be in the same place of the "creating of the emotion" and thus be able to realise we create the emotion so we can stop creating the emotion.

We currently live in the context of emotions are something that happen to me, circumstances "cause" them. But this may not be the case. Don't take my word for any of this contemplate it for yourself that the only way you can be conscious of what emotions are.

See we live with a huge assumption that the only way to know something is to believe something or read what something is or gets some "answer" like a sentence or something. But this is not the only thing we can do, we can come into direct contact with something and look at the truth as itself, for itself without any middle men. So next time you have an emotion come up start to look into it for yourself. That's were true wisdom comes from.

Good luck. 

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