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Am I In A Self-inquiry Trap?

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When I got to the point where my mind didn't come up with explanations as to who I was, there was only silence and the voice asking "Who am I/ What am I?" with no response. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing that the self-inquiry doesn't seem to be leading to any new explanations.

I just sit there in silence asking that and wondering, no explanations coming to mind.

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I don't know what kind of "explanation" you are waiting for... Another voice explaining you what you are ? 

What you are can't be explained... It can't be articulated with words.

If you are concerned about this absence of response, you must be mistaken.

Who is waiting for the response ? Who is concerned ? Who is the I who wants an explaination ? That's what you should be asking yourself. 

When I read what you are asking, Saitama, I see that the "I" who is waiting for an explaination is your illusory self image.

You have to go deeper and forget everything you belive about yourself. The cup must be empty before reciving the experience of your true self. 


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@Ken Lecoq I'm not sure I get how self-inquiry works. Do I just keep asking until the realization comes? The voice used to come up with explanations, but it eventually went silent, except for the questions. Is this the right path? I understand it can't be explained and that it is impossible to think oneself into enlightenment.


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@Saitama You're doing it exactly right. Just sit there like that and eventually something will happen.

You're not trying to get an answer or explanation.

You're trying to get a direct experience of the True Self.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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