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Everything Explained

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This would be an extremely long post, but I Will try to just post little insights with meaningful pictures of the correlation process that I'm experiencing now.

Know thyself



That which you are not (lower self aspect)

That which you are (higher self aspect)

That which you actually are (highest self)

You are reality(highest self, a What), but you are also in reality (a who).

Know what you are





Being=essence (every essence in existence)

Beings= essence (one essence out of an infinite number of essences)

Being and beings = one

This is the definition of essence according to Google: the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character.






body - mind- soul- spirit

You are a soul, this is the true Self, to discover it it's important to leave the old paradigm of thinking and adopt a new paradigm of feeling.  Move from your mind (separation) to the heart (oneness). The heart emits 5000x more powerful magnetic waves then the brain(do your research). You don't have a Soul, you are a Soul.

Look at the Picture below on the right where it says "personal themes & Expressions", these are the essences being expressed by the soul.


"Don't confuse the world of becoming with the world that is. "

"The ego dies only to be reborn again."





Look at the picture below, at the column titled "Level". The labels under that column are what I attribute the meaning of an essence. This essences are what the Soul Embodyies from Spirit in my opinion. That manifests in the world as an experiece.





After you awaken you wil come more and more in tune with your core personality. Knowing this is extremely important.

Check this page to discover your Souly type.

Also on that site look on the right column and find the pages that covers discovering: 7 Goals, 7 Soul types, 7 Modes, 7 Attitudes, 7 personality dark traits.

Powerful information.

Also find your ennegram type and discover your way of stress and growth. Powerful information. Take mayer brigs personality test (16personalities) to find if there's some correlation there with the ennegram.







Look for patterns on how these pictures correlate between them.

Some of my recent posts...























Edited by AleksM

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