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Vivid Dreams Cause Physical Pain?

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Hi :)

i am not really sure where i should post this so I apologize if this is off topic

Lucky i have only experienced something like this once but i dreamt (i was dreaming but what happen felt like it happen in the real world) where i felt like somebody was pushing on the side of my body and breathing very heavily (as if they wanted to hurt me physically and it was outside their comfortzone) and when i woke up afterwards nobody was around me which was really confusing and it really felt like i could feel what I dreamed about i thougt maybe it could have something to do with sleep paralysis or something similar?

does anyone know something about vivid dreams cause physical pain? 

Kind regards :)

Edited by BjarkeT

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I have once experienced being strucked by lightning while falling asleep. I mean feeling like it, not an actual lightning hitting me. A real pain, electric shock through the body and a sound louder than anything I have ever heard.

So yeah, stuff like this can happen. It is a sleep paralysis. Most of the times when I experience it there are just sounds, like a phone ringing or someone calling my name. Feeling pain is rare, but possible. I have heard that the same stuff can happen when meditating, I haven't experienced it during my practice, but it's good to be open for a such possibility.

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