Drink A Cup Of Coffee!!!

By VividReality in Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Supplements,
I just want to share this, it was a very brief moment of "consciousness" but it was real... or at least it was and is a memory now. But it happened just today and well, the experience was astonishing, for i took a nice warm cup of coffee, and the energy it enabled me was honestly unlike any! I felt like i got out of the script of life and really truly experienced and expanded NOTHINGNESS. I was feeling so good, so great, the vibe was similar to a euphoric moment in life. I do have to say, words can only scratch the surface, and for the gut feeling was pure excitement! I didn't know what to do, or how to react, so i just simply enjoyed my moment. It was a really awesome high, and the low was not to bad for it's still very nice. I highly recommended coffee! 
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