Thomas Razzeto

Summary Overview Of Spiritual Awakening In Simple, Clear English

2 posts in this topic

[All of this is just my opinion and I celebrate the fact that everyOne gets to choose what they want to believe and how they want to live their life. Hooray for that!]

Hi everyOne,

I am a spiritual teacher and would like to offer the following 3-page essay from my website for your consideration. Here is the link:

The Loving Heart of Enlightenment
Spiritual awakening in simple, clear English

Here are some excerpts from that essay:

I use this word “awareness” a lot so I want to be clear right up front. I am not using it in any special way. It just means the power of sentience. Yet I use the phrase “pure awareness” to emphasize the idea that this awareness is not a thing.

You are not a thing that is sentient. You are not an object that is aware. You are not a sentient being. You are sentience itself.


The recognition that you exist fundamentally as pure awareness comes about through a spiritual intuitive awakening. And to be more precise, there are three key awakenings regarding this awareness. […] The first awakening is the one that I’ve already touched upon several times: “Ah, I am not fundamentally my body, and I am not even fundamentally my soul. Instead, I am fundamentally pure awareness!” That’s the first awakening.

The second awakening is this: “Ah, the awareness that’s looking out of my eyes is the same awareness that’s looking out of your eyes … and his eyes … and her eyes … and the eyes of every sentient being on all the worlds, both physical and spiritual. There is only one awareness.”


Now, here’s the third awakening. This awareness arises as each and every thing that it is aware of. What we are talking about here is God and creation – Awareness (God) and the objects of awareness (creation). It is very simple.


In form, we are many; in essence, we are one. In this, we see that it is only through the many that we can share the One Love of God. When you look into the eyes of another, you are looking directly into the eyes of God. It is God who plants a seed in your soul that grows into the loving heart of enlightenment.

- end of excerpts -

Thanks for reading this post.

In truth, I honor your divine nature

Thomas Razzeto

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Why we make a distinction between Awareness and consciousness

The above post talks about my essay “The Loving Heart of Enlightenment.” In that essay, I talk about awareness a lot. I talk about how there is only One Awareness and how it spontaneously emanates as the totality of created reality. This is why my mentor, Timothy Conway, and I refer to this awareness as Source-Awareness. But in that particular essay, I never used the word “consciousness.” This is only because I did not want to go into the difference between the two in that particular essay.

But I later clarified this subject in a comment I posted in a thread titled: Why we make a distinction between Awareness and consciousness

Here is an overview of my comment:

Awareness is the power of sentience, the capacity to perceive. Consciousness is the window through which the One Awareness looks. This Awareness is what you truly are, fundamentally. This Awareness perceives, but it cannot be perceived. Just as a window cannot see anything, consciousness is also completely blind; it is not sentient in any way. Yet consciousness serves as an instrument (a viewpoint) for the One Awareness (or God, if you are comfortable with that word).  Your personal consciousness (soul) permeates your body and this combination provides a viewpoint through which the One Awareness experiences the world as the person you seem to be.

The full comment is here:

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