
Don't Understand Why Some "masters" Advocate Non-practice

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Im trying not to channel my frustration into this post, but I'm having a hard day.  For all his advice, I like Paul Heddermans approach, he's mostly a no nonsense teacher and can be a bit harsh, and maybe I Misunderstand but I've heard him say in one interview that meditation is useful, and in another talk, he says how useless meditation is and says it actually reinforces the bondage of self.  I'm clearly not understanding his message.  I like most of his teachings because he gives a lot of advice that resonates with me as a recovering addict, and he doesn't teach in a way that revolves around the definition of God or a lot mysticism surrounding the subject of Non duality, most of its quite practical.

This guy practiced meditation for 20 something years, and also had the guidance of several masters.  Reaches a state of no-self and now says his practice was pointless.  So for the rest of us, that are still getting raped by ego on a daily basis, what good is this teaching?

I think it was summed up better in a Buddha at the Gas Pump interview when he did more or less advocate practice, but his more recent talks don't seem to resonate this.

Maybe I'm not understanding this and letting frustration get the better of me.  I've been taking breaks from the forum because often Im here avoiding my practice, and using spirituality as an escape instead of doing the hard work involved.  Maybe I need to avoid teachings for the time being and just stick with a practice, especially from the multitudes of teachers available and they all have different approaches.  I think it can get confusing to the new comers like myself who is trying to solidify a practice.  I would honestly like to just have a real life teacher I could talk to and seek guidance from rather than jumping from this flavor to that flavor.  In the end I think the message is the same, but reaching a state of liberation from the self seems futile in the wake of everyone else's interterpration and teaching.


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@MiracleMan Sounds like frustration for not sticking to the practices everyday. Maybe some projection on Paul. All really is well though. You can't do anything wrong. It's all your path. I am often unaware of the same thing. I forget to get to where the person I'm talking to is before I talk. I'm working on that. I think that's why his message is mixed. When's the last time you sat for a minute, and allowed yourself to realize what you've become in this experience? You have been through some serious shit. You are that which overcame ALL OF IT. Do you realize how powerful that is???????? DO you have any idea what a badass you are??? Do you have any idea how many people did not survive what you have survived?  A miracle man. A fucking miracleman. The whole thing is a miracle. Re-fucking-Joice bro!!!!!!



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@MiracleMan Sounds like a huge trap he fell into, perhaps the entire time he spent sitting down to meditate only to find out his foundation was at fault. Going down a path for years only to find out you've been going in the wrong direction, that could be very discouraging. 

Memento Mori

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The meditation practice starts the process of transfiguration. But after a while of meditating, this meditation practice becomes futile. You realize that you have to see the whole day as a meditation practice. The distinction that the sitting meditation is somehow superior to the rest of the day when you're not meditating is false and keeps you in illusion.

Reality is neutral but the mind separates itself from Reality and makes an illusion out of something as if it's more or less valuable than what in Reality is. This creates conflict between Reality and the mind and this keeps you in illusion. Everything is equal to everything else when it comes to realizing the True nature.

Yes some behaviors are more conductive than others when it comes to embodyment, but the realization of enlightenment (or your True nature) doesn't require you to change anything.

I too agree that meditation can be a huge waste of time but with that I'm not saying it's not necessary, in the beginning it is, to get yourself familiar with being. After you get familiar with being, you can drop this sitting meditation and do it once in a while if you wish to, but it's not necessary anymore. Realization is different than embodyment.

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