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The Horrific Implications Of Naturalistic Rebirth (generic Subjective Continuity)

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The universe is an infinite object, with infinite dimensionality. After death, "you" (identity being paradoxical) should expect something akin to the first moments of awareness of your current person pattern/spacetime worm, but having no memory between "this-you" and "that-you". We are all x degrees of relational separtion from entities that are being tortured, beheaded, burnt alive, etc. And for all intents and purposes (as this is a challenge explaining linguistically), given infinity, those experiences follow you-now after death, given time. So what "you" will experience is dependent upon what you currently are now, and the similarity and closeness you have with other joint relational, subjective states in existence. As every stage of your spacetime worm is numerically and qualitatively distinct, and you feel as though you are undergoing change due to a mereological illusion having self referential memory states presenting an identity narrative between each state - one can only be. As you-now and you-5-seconds-from-now aren't the same conscious individual, and same goes with any other conscious individual. We can't escape existence, nor all the bliss, torture and everything in between that existence offers. Unless somehow you are in a transfinite part of the universe that has subjective, relational memory states that offer no suffering (the closest thing to heaven). Our localized universe, however, seems to offer a variety of the best and the worst kinds of being. It's very painful knowing that I am x degrees of separation from being a person being tortured, and always will be. Regardless of all the good in-between radically different subjective states, I personally wish existence was optional, but that would defy logic. We are all doomed to a sort of naturalistic rebirth. Ever since learning this, this has driven me mad.

Edited by stagebeing

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