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Slowing Down On Mindfulness Meditation?

3 posts in this topic

Hello everyone, hope you are having a great day!

I have been wanting to ask this for a while now, just wasn`t sure if it was me being insecure about meditation, but I have noticed this morning that it feels much easier for me to be aware when I slow down my meditation by focusing on an object, sound or sensation for 20 seconds instead of 10, it feels like I am just quick-scanning things and not really savoring them when it is done for 10 seconds and move on to the next, and it feels more mechanical and to get it over with. Is this alright when doing mindfulness meditation or is it recommended that I meditate on something for 10 seconds? Thank you for any advice you give!

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@Xonnas Do whatever works and feels right. There are no strict rules. You could stay on one object for the whole mediation if you wanted.

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