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@Speedscarlet Then how do you explain that there are no corpses carried out of meditation centers every year?

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@Leo Gura I doubt many people in western meditation centers can enter nirvikalpa samadhi. You’d have to go to India, where sadhguru lives, to see such feats. 

And didn’t you hear sadhguru spell it out in that video. I don’t see why he would lie about it. 

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10 minutes ago, Speedscarlet said:

@Leo Gura I doubt many people in western meditation centers can enter nirvikalpa samadhi. You’d have to go to India, where sadhguru lives, to see such feats. 

And didn’t you hear sadhguru spell it out in that video. I don’t see why he would lie about it. 

Thousands of Westerners can enter nirvikalpa samadhi.

It's not necessarily that he's lying. It could just be part of his spiritual and cultural tradition. Just because he's enlightened doesn't mean he's shed all his cultural dogmas and beliefs. Those tend to sit very deep.

Very few enlightened people transcend their culture.

Indian culture has an enormous amount of spiritual beliefs, customs, rituals, and people doing spirituality by blind obedience.

I don't see Zen students or masters falling over dead from nirvikalpa samadhi. And they meditate as hardcore as anyone.

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@Leo Gura India has the longest experience with spirituality than anywhere else in the world. Zen and other types of Buddhism all came from India. 

And even if nirvikalpa samadhi doesn’t kill you, it’s a good precaution to wear that snake ring.

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There's an old Zen story:

Over a thousand years ago a group of young monks were sitting in a Zen monastery doing a hardcore meditation retreat when a stray cat started meowing inside. The cat was so annoying and distracting that the head monk told one of his helper monks to go tie the cat up outside in front of the meditation hall where it could not be heard. That year many monks became enlightened.

A thousand years later every meditation hall in that region of Japan would tie a cat outside on the first day of retreat. When asked why, they said, "For good fortune. With this cat we get more enlightenments."

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14 minutes ago, Mighty Mouse said:

Today it's psychedelics xD

You need a good dose of 5-MeO right up your butt ;)

To put the fear of God in ye.

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@Leo Gura In your live enlightenment experience video you said something along the lines that there is no difference now between life and death, that it is in the exact same dimension. 

I wonder: In that moment of absolute certainty that you are already dead, what actually would happen if the body drops dead? Because the head or body is in a certain relation with the perceptions occuring. The perceptions of the room you where in, the camera in which you were speaking. All of those perceptions would stay the same? 

Because certainly the dream of a person living in las vegas has ceased at that point, but with the body perception still being there you could walk and nontheless experience the relational framework of this particular perceptions. (Planet Earth, Las Vegas, Leo).

So when you say there is absolutely no difference between life and death, I'm not sure exactly what you mean. There is even a difference in going to bed and entering an unknown dream reality. Certainly death of the body never ceases to be the unknown. The moment of death of the body, I would guess, is even more a radical shift in continuity of so far perceived framework of reality. Buddhists believe that you enter a bardo state.

If not, one could just dose himself up with a psychedelic to that point, and then inject himself a lethal dosis of something or shooting oneself in the head (Or overdosing the psychedelic). A psychedelic mahasamadhi. Maybe that becomes a thing in the future for people who have diseases that cant be healed.

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3 hours ago, Speedscarlet said:

@Leo Gura that’s wrong. Mahasamadhi happens accidentally far more than you think. Have you seen this video: 

@BeyondForm hate to scare you my friend. But it’s true.

Why exactly his body was damaged from samadhi? I didn't get that

Edited by Monkey-man

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@Monkey-man no, that was a separate discussion. Basically when he was younger he didn’t plan on living long so he used his energies very uncaringly and that aged him a lot (in 8-9 months he aged 25-30 years). It also damaged his body. But later on, he decided he wanted to live longer, so he started to recover his body. 

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@Leo Gura sadhguru prides himself in the fact that he never received any teaching. According to him, his objective in life was to stay unlearned from other people’s knowledge. His enlightenment came from his own practice, and now he teaches his own yoga. He also said famously that he never read any of the famous books like Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures. He also claimed once that he wasn’t identified to any culture. Plus, unless he had an experience with what he was saying, I doubt he would spread heresay. 

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@Edogowa Conan aged for 25 years in 9 months???

i don't understand how can u do that

even if u drink alchohol for 9 months straight that cant happen

Edited by Monkey-man

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@Monkey-man there’s a lot more to life than you know of. A yoga master like him can control his life energies (prana) to extraordinary levels. Of course that’s possible.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You need a good dose of 5-MeO right up your butt ;)

To put the fear of God in ye.

The odds of reaching enlightenment by literally shoving something into your ass has never been higher

what a time to be alive


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8 minutes ago, Speedscarlet said:

@Monkey-man there’s a lot more to life than you know of. A yoga master like him can control his life energies (prana) to extraordinary levels. Of course that’s possible.

u mean if u use these energies without limits then it can damage u?

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@Monkey-man it’s not as simple as that. If you know how to control those energies, you can basically do what you want with them. Even kill yourself.

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10 hours ago, Mighty Mouse said:

Awwww I bet you say that to all the pretty girls... :$

No, only you babe.

10 hours ago, Echoes said:

@Leo Gura In your live enlightenment experience video you said something along the lines that there is no difference now between life and death, that it is in the exact same dimension. 

I wonder: In that moment of absolute certainty that you are already dead, what actually would happen if the body drops dead? Because the head or body is in a certain relation with the perceptions occuring. The perceptions of the room you where in, the camera in which you were speaking. All of those perceptions would stay the same? 

Because certainly the dream of a person living in las vegas has ceased at that point, but with the body perception still being there you could walk and nontheless experience the relational framework of this particular perceptions. (Planet Earth, Las Vegas, Leo).

So when you say there is absolutely no difference between life and death, I'm not sure exactly what you mean. There is even a difference in going to bed and entering an unknown dream reality. Certainly death of the body never ceases to be the unknown. The moment of death of the body, I would guess, is even more a radical shift in continuity of so far perceived framework of reality. Buddhists believe that you enter a bardo state.

If not, one could just dose himself up with a psychedelic to that point, and then inject himself a lethal dosis of something or shooting oneself in the head (Or overdosing the psychedelic). A psychedelic mahasamadhi. Maybe that becomes a thing in the future for people who have diseases that cant be healed.

If the body drops dead, all perceptions would cease and the world would disappear -- I would assume.

What actually happens after the body dies is technically unknown until you get there. There could very well be bardo states, etc. From my current understanding, upon physical death you will merge into absolute infinity. But I could be wrong. There might a sort of reflection period where you get to integrate all the lessons you've learned in your life. I sort of expect that. But this is just my best guess.

The point of enlightenment is that you disidentify with the body, the world, and all perceptions. You realize you are Nothingness, and so after that, you no longer really care if the body and world disappear. In the same way that you don't really worry about getting a haircut because you know you're not your hair.

2 hours ago, Speedscarlet said:

@Leo Gura sadhguru prides himself in the fact that he never received any teaching. According to him, his objective in life was to stay unlearned from other people’s knowledge. His enlightenment came from his own practice, and now he teaches his own yoga. He also said famously that he never read any of the famous books like Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures. He also claimed once that he wasn’t identified to any culture. Plus, unless he had an experience with what he was saying, I doubt he would spread heresay. 

Good for him.

The problem is, for you, everything he says is still hearsay. You do not know what he knows. And you do not know if all of his knowledge is accurate or if it will apply to your life.

He did his journey from scratch. And so should you. The problem with following great people is that you start to blindly accept everything they say. This is especially problematic with Sadhguru because he's clearly so realized. But that doesn't help you! That opens you up to the trap of dogma and belief.

The key to this entire path is independent critical thinking. You can't trust any authority figure. There are no authorities. You have to become your own authority.

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4 hours ago, Mighty Mouse said:

How about a cat?

How about a mouse?

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@Mighty Mouse Now we know how Richard Gere became a Buddhist.

The circle is complete.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What actually happens after the body dies is technically unknown until you get there. There could very well be bardo states, etc. From my current understanding, upon physical death you will merge into absolute infinity. But I could be wrong. There might a sort of reflection period where you get to integrate all the lessons you've learned in your life. I sort of expect that. But this is just my best guess.

How reincarnation reconciles with having no one to be reincarnated? Did you have any insights on that during trips?

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1 hour ago, Monkey-man said:

How reincarnation reconciles with having no one to be reincarnated? Did you have any insights on that during trips?

Precisely! No-one reincarnates.

Reality is infinitely self-reincarnating. There can be all sorts of structures which define various beings, but ultimately the consciousness, the "substance" of it all, is one.

Could some structures get preserved in between physical deaths? I don't see why not. Reality seems to have an infinite memory.

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