
Contemplation Help

5 posts in this topic

Hi guys, I had some questions regarding contemplation. When contemplating and asking certain questions, are you suppose to think about the answers while you are sitting there? Because I'm confused on whether you're suppose to use real intellect during contemplation. And even if I do finally get an answer from something, how do I know its true or am I just lying to myself? Thanks guys :)  

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@Sukhpaal Your questions and answers during contemplation should be clear and observant - short - rather than anecdotal and analytical. The depth is achieved by the rigorous consistency of asking about everything.

Yes you answer questions with lists of examples, for example.


nothing is anything

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When I contemplate, for every question that I'm able to answer, I usually am able to come up with 2 more questions. One of the main motivations of contemplating is to not only understand the field you're investigating, but to make connections between that topic and other topics. 

You'll probably need intellect to answer your questions, as well as tons of other tools. There's no shame in doing research on a topic before you start to contemplate it. 

And your last question goes into the field of epistemology. Here's a great question for you to contemplate: How can you know anything for certain? Can we really find a definitive answer for anything, or are our answers simply best-guesses? 

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Simply watch the questions and answers, don't attach to either question or answer as both are implicit to confusion.


It is much the same as watching clouds in the sky, the clouds come, the clouds go, yet the sky remains unchanged.


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Ask the question and just let your mind scan over answers.  Consider answers and everything else that comes to mind.  See what comes up and follow the leads, don't try to control too much in advance.  

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