
Understanding Nothingness

9 posts in this topic

If I am nothingness, like leo said, why can I only epxirience through the senses of some random person?

I am NOT this person, not this mind.

But still, there is something unique to that mind and body. And that is that I can only expirience through that mind and body.

So if this mind and body dies, will I still be able to epxirience? How?

Because expiriencing is the most beautiful thing I can imagine.

According to what leo said, when my body and mind die - nothing is lost since that was not me in the first place.

But I still feel like I lose everything. I am as much this body as I am the coffee table. But the coffee table can´t experience feelings, sight, smell - all the beautiful things. It just is there. But without expiriencing as much. Probably without expiriencing anything.

Could it be that the lower self needs to be there to make the higher Self possible?

But the question that I want to be answered the most is the one in the first line.

If I am everything, why can´t I experience everything - but instead just experience through that body and mind that I am not.

I hope someone will get what I mean with this question.

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Just now, dominic1 said:

If I am everything, why can´t I experience everything - but instead just experience through that body and mind that I am not.

The idea is that you are everything, and you do experience everything. The issue is that you don't realize your assumption that you are a small person in an infinitely vast universe. You take for granted that you are a small element in a larger existence. This is getting caught up in the illusion. But it is equally likely that your perceptions in the present moment are existence itself. So you have the content of your thoughts and the content of your five senses. These occur in the field of awareness that is nothingness. Imagine that there is nothing more than what you perceive right now in the present moment. Past is just a thought. Future is just a thought. 

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So what if I would cut out one of my senses, lets say I am blind now.

That would mean that sight does not exist, since I can´t experience it right now.

But it does exist. To say that only those things exist that I can experience, is just wrong.


If I am everything, I am more than just 5 senses plus some thoughts. But I can´t access more than that.

If I am everything, why is my possibility to experience so damn limited? Just 5 senses and thought of the present moment. That is all there is?

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If I am nothingness, like leo said, why can I only epxirience through the senses of some random person?

You assume there are "other persons." You may want to re-examine that assumption in your direct experience. 


So if this mind and body dies, will I still be able to epxirience? How?

No, you won't be able to experience. Experience is unique to your particular mind and body. The Truth (nothingness, as you and Leo call it) is not unique. It's the substratum behind experience that's always been there for eternity. It's just not any particular quality.

I have an analogy that may help. You experience the world through a space suit that comes with various attributes: height, weight, looks, intelligence, personality... Sorry to say, but one day, that space suit will cease to function, and it will break down. What remains? Just plain old space. 

You currently identify with your space suit instead of the space, what you've been for eternity. While it may seem like you lose something when the space suit breaks down, you never lost anything. You were always the space pervading the space suit. Enlightenment work is the process of dis-identifying with the space suit and remembering that you're space. 


If I am everything, why can´t I experience everything - but instead just experience through that body and mind that I am not.

Again, re-examine your assumption of there being "others". What if your experience was all the experience there ever was? 

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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If I am everything, why is my possibility to experience so damn limited? Just 5 senses and thought of the present moment. That is all there is?

It's been all there is your whole life. But your beliefs of others and your experience somehow being 'limited' are in the way of you realizing this. 

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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You currently identify with your space suit instead of the space, what you've been for eternity. While it may seem like you lose something when the space suit breaks down, you never lost anything. You were always the space pervading the space suit. Enlightenment work is the process of dis-identifying with the space suit and remembering that you're space. 

I really liked this idea.

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1 hour ago, dominic1 said:

So what if I would cut out one of my senses, lets say I am blind now.

That would mean that sight does not exist, since I can´t experience it right now.

But it does exist. To say that only those things exist that I can experience, is just wrong.


If I am everything, I am more than just 5 senses plus some thoughts. But I can´t access more than that.

If I am everything, why is my possibility to experience so damn limited? Just 5 senses and thought of the present moment. That is all there is?

It might be true that you are a small person in a vast universe. There is no way to prove or disprove it. But this is also an assumption and a belief. It would also be an assumption and a belief to say that your perceptions are the only thing in existence. The point is to understand how little you know and how little progress your thoughts on reality will yield you. Either of these concepts exist in the content of thoughts. They are rationalizations. If they weren't, I wouldn't be able to write them.

You must be able to differentiate beliefs from reality to get a real experience of your own being. So, it is a belief to assume that it is true that you are an individual in a vast universe. It is also a belief, to assume that the only thing that exists are the things that are in your present awareness. What is really true, lies beyond these two concepts. But if you can understand the assumptions that you have about reality, you can get into a state of genuine open-ness, where you're more likely to have a breakthrough and realize your own enlightenment. This was the intention behind my previous message.

Edited by Emerald Wilkins

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Exactly how vast is this nothingess, and where does it end? What is beyond the nothingness?

That space suit analogy help me disidentify with the body for a a moment.

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Exactly how vast is this nothingess, and where does it end? What is beyond the nothingness?

I prefer to use the word Infinity. Does Infinity have boundaries? Can you point to it and say "Ah! There it is!" You can't, because to try to label it would make it finite and therefore not Infinity. There is no such thing as 'beyond' Infinity because 'beyond' implies that Infinity has boundaries, which it does not. Infinity is so vast that vastness is not even possible. 

As you can probably tell by how paradoxical this sounds, the mind cannot comprehend Infinity. That is why in order to become conscious of Infinity, you need to go beyond mind, beyond rationality. Knowledge/belief creates illusory boundaries. Remove those boundaries and Infinity remains....except it's always been there ;)

"Truth hath no confines." --Captain Ahab, Moby Dick

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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