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prerational - rational - post-/transrational

3 posts in this topic

Firstly Im going to approach this as post and trans means the same, as Im not sure of the difference. 

I was thinking about this, if the three states is also something passing through all people, so as they have to have been prerational and rational before they can think of themselves as transrational? And if so, is it so simple: to remember back in time if you once was very scientific and shot about religion and spirituality and therefore conclude you HAVE been rational, and now have to be transrational because you have gotten interested in the concepts of spirituality. So you too acknowledge religion and so on. 

My thoughts now come from the short clip on youtube of Wilber talking about prerational people fulfilling themselves with buddhist concepts, believing they have reached some high level. But that may mean that I e.g. also just is a prerational person fulfilling myself with the concept of being post/transrational? I may feel like I already have been very rational years back, but what about my ego/self image, which still is in progress from my insecurities, doesn't that have anything to say, or is that more of a whole other issue than rationalism? So do I have to have established my ego before Im trans/postrational, or is it enough to know about it and think about being it?

I hope it wasn't to complicated and also I hope it's readable, english is not my everyday language :b 


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Post-rational starts to dawn when you start having hits of direct consciousness of your true nature.

This starts to happen after a few years of consistent meditation practice or lots of self-inquiry.

Your mind has to actually experience something outside its own conceptual cage. Then you go, "Ahhhh!!! Now I understand what all those Buddhists are talking about!"

Until then, it's all just theory and more rationality.

Psychedelics are another gateway to glimpse the post-rational world, Although they are much more limited than doing it through meditation or self-inquiry.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I see. Thanks for the clarification!

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