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Should Teenagers Eat A Lot?

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Typical hungry teen here :)

I was wondering weather or not consuming large amounts of calories of food daily will harm me? The food I eat is extremely healthy.

I exercise a lot, but I don't want heavy meals to be destroyng my health, any thoughts?

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Too much of anything can make you sick. There is no such thing as "healthy diet "because there are nowadays literally thousands of explanations of what the heck "healthy" even means. There is nutritionally dense and nutritionally poor diet and most of the population is somewhere in between. 

Listen to your body and observe its signals. If you lose weight fast, you do not have enough calories, if you start gaining fat, you have too much simple as that. If you have mood issues, skin conditions etc, you might be deficient in nutrients not calories.  If you are still below 23 year old and potentially growing it is generally good to eat a bit more as long as the food has a high nutritional value. If you exercise a lot, feel fine and have no problem gaining muscle mass than you are just fine. 

Buy some relevant nutrition book and devote some time implementing a diet that suits your needs. Remember we are all different, what works for one, may not work for other so being a zealot about something is usually not a good idea. 

Edited by Michael569

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@2000 I agree with Michael overindulging in too much can later lead from one activity which was first a interesting/fun to perform, becoming a real disgust and chore. My rule is, eat to the point where you are no longer hungry, this is your body's way of telling you how much you should eat. Calorie counting is too time consuming for me personally, since I have bigger fish to fry. 

Good luck! Regardless of the choice you make! :D 

"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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