
Time Managment

5 posts in this topic

- I'm in class four times a week 

- I'm in the gym three nights a week 

- I have musical goals I'm working towards ( Training) four to five times a week 

- I work once a week 

- getting real education( reading on business, self help books, actualizing etc). is also a part of everyday routine 

My mornings consist of me meditating, doing self affirmations and daily journal 

After my commute from from school I'm often exhausted making productivity difficult. I've just learned about the 80/20 rule. 20% effort is 80% results 

I want to be effective and still have energy. 

Time managment advice would be great 

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@Shakazulu Hey man, since you're a student I hope this will help you greatly. There is a rule used by students who study in Cambridge it's the equivalent of Harvard University for you in the US, it's called the 8 hour rule. This means that in order to study effectively to get top grades, but also have time to grow yourself you can spend 8 hour sleeping, 8 hours working, and 8 hours doing whatever you want each day! Which seems pretty chill to me to be honest. 

The cool thing about this is that you can apply this to any type of full-time education you are in as this rule ranges all the way from High School students to University level students.

Good luck, regardless of the choice you make! :D

"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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@Shakazulu I don't think time mangement is as important as having the best possible technique(planning and scheduling also helps :)) i think if you have a really effective technique (and zero distractions) you should be able to do what you want to accomplish more and at higher quality in less time an example of a really good technique could for example be something called deep work if the goal is to learn something 

or if there is something you need to pratice it could be by using both deep work and something called deliberate pratice

one of the best techniques i have found for doing personal development is fully feel the emotion with zero resistance, doing the most difficult emotional thing, and really dig deep(looking at whats going inside/behind at ones thoughts to find the root cause of the problem) (having a clear goal of what the problem is helps or at least it did from my experience :) )

the only downside maybe is that it can take some research to find a good technique 

but if it isn't related to what you are looking for maybe you could schedule every minute of your day the day before there is some people who have written about this before so you should be able to find something on google :) (on example is cal newport) i think it also helps to focus at one thing at a time but really focus as much as possible until it's finished and then repeat the same thing with the next thing you need to finish of course with breaks here and there if necessary (or in other words work hard play hard)

kind regards :)

Edited by BjarkeT

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I have this one rad friend, that's managed to master multiple things in the span of a couple of decades...he studied time-management in great depth...and I never understood how he seems to magically have more time than the rest of us....obviously he lives in this dimension....perhaps he just has a different relationship with thing that stands out to me be in the moment, whatever you are doing....Leo mentions something about this at the end of the retreat videos...when he talks about his video editing...perhaps...sometimes it's about your intention, and how you approach a task...less about the logistics and watch checking...I don't know...

Edited by Epiphany_Inspired

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12 hours ago, Shiva said:

Become very clear on your priorities. Then allocate your energy accordingly.

This. This is underrate by people. Practice this and your life will sky rocket.

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