
My Thoughts On Thoughts And Other Thingies(philosophy)

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Thoughts appear randomly, so does that mean they are my thoughts? They seem to come out of nowhere, which is odd, I can deliberately however think of a thought over and over which makes me believe that I have some control over my thoughts, but according to Leo I have no control over my thoughts. It seems like that is not so, but I am open to the possibility of me being wrong as usual, after all, this wouldn't be the first time.


Like Leo has said a thought appears and internally disappears, for me at least, but for everybody else does it work this way? I don't know...

Perhaps it does perhaps it doesn't, but for me a thought appears and than returns into the "nothingness" unless I conjure it up by thinking of it purposely.


It is eerie to me to think that my thoughts are not my own however due to it appearing out of no where, they just happen sometimes out of a reaction of fear, and what not. I think my thoughts are a product of feelings perhaps. I first feel than I think it would seem with fear, now I am wondering whether or not that goes for any one emotion I think. I am curious as if someone can feel a mixture of emotions, like fear and anger at the same time...maybe emotions are like a cocktail of some sort, I think that would seem to be the case, or maybe I feel one emotion after another I'm not sure because I'm not the emotional guy, but anyways about thoughts...


So if I believe my thoughts are a product of my feelings, than what produced those feelings? ......I read a book that said that feelings are the truth but that the feelings get deluded by thought and are masqueraded as a feeling, however, I am thinking that this is not so because, I have dis attached my thoughts and feelings to myself I think to a certain degree.


Either way I have concluded from writing this that feelings have a source of some sort perhaps, but what is that source possibly?


I am thinking that this source has to have a point to where it started, where else could it derive from? Where it all began... Maybe..


Nothing was unaware of itself, like we were when we were young, and was born of non existence, but how can something exist without something existing?

Perhaps the need to exist because not existing. I have heard life has no beginning and no end, but I guess in order for something to exist forever must have no beginning or end, for if there is a beginning for something, it must have an end and not exist. 


UNLESS... this one theory I heard was correct...That the universe is evolving to become God as a singular being. Maybe god is made in our image and instead of his. Along the lines of god didn't create the universe, the universe created god.


Maybe God has a beginning and an end for God is created by the universe, and God is finite, but powerful in this universe. Maybe God isn't the ultimate source of all.... anyways..I tire of this...just wanted to get some of this off my head and wanted to share some of my thoughts to sort out my thoughts, and it ended up in a big circle...lol..PHILOSOPHY FOR YAH



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@DizIzMikey ....whoa!!! :D 

Quite the handful here, isn't it? 

Who told you that thoughts are YOURS? Do you own a piece of paper telling you so? They are just thoughts. Happening. Not to YOU. 

The problem is that you depart with the left foot already: you are questioning everything but the "I" "my", "mine", which would be the right foot. 

So, OK thoughts come and thoughts go. We can speculate forever as to where from to where to LOL (loloololol) but the fact is that these thoughts are SEEN by something that is not coming and going. Think about this: If a child tells you there's a big monster in his room, you'll first think about the CHILD, not the monster. If a wise man comes and tells you the same thing, You'll most surely go into the monster business first.. So first, question the validity of that who is giving you the information that you receive. 

Drop everything else. Drop God, drop feelings, drop the feet and the monster.. What is there left ? 




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15 minutes ago, Sigma said:

@Ayla What do you think about this?


It isn't quite like this, but the attempt is good. It does give a certain clarity to the thingie :D . What you perceive is also "part" of the void. So the subject, object and everything in-between IS the "void". Plus, those straight lines look like an army thing lol.. when in fact, all there is, is just a certain dynamic of accumulation of space that seem to Mr. Mind as "solid", "colorful", "true"...because it is all it (mind) has been fed.

You somehow see yourself as on one side of the thing, seeing something on the other side. The fact is that there's NO side...and NO you for that matter. Brain needs those as tools in order for "you" not to bump into a wall or something, but unfortunately, it extrapolates it to be true for "outer" things too. 

That's why, for someone in my current state, "stuff" appears quite funny - different colors, 2D images instead of 3D.. walking a bit like on clouds sometimes.. brain is trying to fit into its new role. Oh well... (I'll wear a helmet lol). Not sure if this makes any sense at all, but...trust me, I'm doing my best to express what IS with concepts and words that have no more reality to them (for me) :D 

Next time I'll bring my crayons too hehe 




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4 minutes ago, DizIzMikey said:

@Ayla Nothing is left

Oh thank God! LOL 

Tears came (laughing ones) when I read your initial post :D LOL



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@Ayla I will be waiting for your enlightenment diagram.

Edited by Sigma

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1 minute ago, Sigma said:

@Ayla I will be waiting for your enlightenment diagram.

Actually, my profile picture is quite accurate :) 




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Enlightenment =s ]¥<¥€]¿μμ`¬:'( :-D :-) :'( :-) :-\ :-* :-P :-\ :-* :' -( :-|

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Just now, Sigma said:

@Ayla Thats quite messy and yet it looks beautiful.!:D

Oh well.... :P




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