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This is kinda an abstract question.

Why do I have dreams every night? I have been told dreams are occasional but I have them every time I sleep! Like even if I slept while studying for 4-5 minutes, I will have a vivid dream or something! And most of the time I remember my dreams! Yes! Some of these dreams are also all fucked up! Like they can give you feelings of anxiety and loneliness after you wake up! Like recently I took a decision to be detached from a girl in my life. But what I dreamt the other day was me having a fuckin great time with that girl! Of course this hurts when you wake up to reality. But seriously, not only this, sometime ago I saw myself being chased by a thousands of gunmen trying to kill me and me killing them and escaping them. I woke up terrified! I have recently become more aware of my old beliefs habits and mistakes and working on myself on the personal development front. Is this all a result of my spiritual awakening process ? 

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Yes, it's likely that as you wake up your subconscious will reveal more and more in your dreams. Usually they will be things still unresolved in yourself that you're not consciously aware of.

Look at your dreams in terms of metaphors and symbols.  What do gunmen trying to kill you represent? What does having a great time with a girl you've decided to cut off mean?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@Akshay Dreams are lucid experiences created by the subconscious mind. Nothing more.

Does this mean they exist? No

Does this mean you are the dreams? No.  

And the more you inquire into this, the more meaningless you will find dreams, but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy them for what they are or immerse yourself in the experience, Ayy? Who doesn't like dreaming about a nice holiday on an island sipping a nice drink? xD Although, that's not what your dreams are. 

So it's evident that you must inquire into who YOU are!

Good luck!

"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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@Akshay I heard they're not occasional it's just that we forget most of them a lot  of the time so it seems you have a great memory for them

Sometimes different people in dreams represent a different aspect of your own personality. I think dream analysis is open to a lot of mistakes when us regular people try to do it unless it's more explicit and easy to recognise the direct issue 

I just focus on the feeling that I get from a dream and if it's intense it's probably due to a lot of resistance in real life 


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Almost everyone dreams every night, it's just that most people are not trained to remember their dreams. If someone wants to test that thesis, then start a journal and try to write down what you have dreamt about every morning. You will quickly start to notice that not only you have had a dream, but also that it has been more like 3 or so of them.

I can totally relate to your question. I also have vivid dreams about relationships with people, especially after good self-inquiry, self-love or meditation session.

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I have dreams pretty much every night and i think it has something to do with an open and active pineal gland as in my teen years i stopped dreaming for a long time until i got off all the junk food and junk life and started restoring my body to its natural ways. I also think too much artificial lighting/devices/blue-light and lack of darkness/sunlight(melatonin production) daily effects our ability to dream clearly and remember them properly.

Edgar Cayse had a quote: Dreams are today's answers to tomorrows questions.



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