
Does "do Nothing Meditation" Needs Doing?

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The only question that was bothering me is:
Do I need to focus on being more in the moment while doing the "do nothing meditation" or is that counting like doing something?
I've been doing it for quite some time and I haven't done anything at all but I'm most of the time not aware what's going on and I'm mostly daydreaming. Is it okay or there is something I should be doing? 

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@MarinM Yes, with this technique you should not try to be more aware. You should not be doing anything at all. If you are daydreaming all the time - it counts as success. The point here is to let everything happen automatically. Everything with no exceptions: confusion, unsatisfaction, frustration, judging what thoughts are good and what thoughts are bad, evaluating results, etc.

By letting everything happen, you develop automatic tolerance towards any state of mind, mood, thoughts, physical feelings, emotions, circumstances. This tolerance increases the quality of your life and puts you in more harmony with life. It decreases your dependence on objects - emotions, thoughts, circumstances of life (basically makes ego less powerful). After doing this practice for a while, you will start to effortlessly accept whatever comes up. Effortlessly - so when some thing comes up, it is already accepted by you without you doing anything. If it's a bad thing, you'll be fine with it. If it's a good thing, you'll be fine with it too. It's almost a superpower, very useful in life. Also it somehow opens up a stream of wisdom to you that guides your life (I don't know how exactly, just kind of feeling it from my experience). 

How to let everything happen during Do Nothing? A little advice: no matter what happens during the meditation, if you have actually done the activity of sitting with timer, take it is 100% success. If you will sit for 40 minutes with confusion, frustration and thoughts like: "Oh shit, how do I let go... Am I letting go now? Shit... Waste of time... Am I controlling thoughts now? Stop controlling. Ok. How? Be aware, be aware, be aware. Is it letting go? Or am I controlling?" etc. - it is not a failure, it is success. Next day sit again with timer and let your mind think what it will think. Probably you will be very unsatisfied with results again. Good job - it is success. Next day sit again with timer and do nothing. The only thing you should consider as failure is if you did not do the activity of sitting with timer at all. Just do this for a while - keep being confused and unsatisfied during meditation. it is success. You will learn the technique automatically. Keep doing it. 

Also, building some intention before starting the practice helps a bit. For example, when I Do Nothing, I sit, calm down for several minutes, concentrate on breath maybe, and then say to myself: "Ok, now we begin the Do Nothing meditation, I will let anything happen without exceptions and I will not move my body. Ok. ... 5 .. 4 .. 3 .. 2 ..1..Go.."...   

Also I would recommend to always combine Do Nothing with Strong Determination Sitting and increasing the time of meditation. As Shinzen Young said something like: discomfort + acceptance = purification. SDS helps with discomfort part, while Do Nothing helps with acceptance = profit.  

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@Naviy Amazing response, thank you very much sir. Just what I needed to hear. Cheers! :D

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