Ferdi Le

What Are The Reasons/ Benefits To Do The "do Nothing" Meditation Technique

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I amcurrently doing the Labeling Technique and the Do Nothing technique both for 20minutes. While I understand the tremendous benefits of Labeling (or Noting) which is building Concentration, Sensory Clarity and Equanimity (which are truly superpowers), I dont really get the purpose of doing nothing. Could anyone explain exactly why this technique is benefical? Thanks in advance

PS:Leos and Shinzens Video did not relly help

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I'm not an expert on the do-nothing meditation by any means but I can share my personal experience. I noticed I day dream WAY less than I use too and this helps me not get carried away in neurotic thinking. Also just a more sense of peace and being calm also comes with it.

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do nothing is to experience everything without any attachments, to notice that you are nothing(ness) out of your experiences. it moves you more into your natural state of being, basically enlightenment.

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4 hours ago, Ferdi Le said:


I amcurrently doing the Labeling Technique and the Do Nothing technique both for 20minutes. While I understand the tremendous benefits of Labeling (or Noting) which is building Concentration, Sensory Clarity and Equanimity (which are truly superpowers), I dont really get the purpose of doing nothing. Could anyone explain exactly why this technique is benefical? Thanks in advance

PS:Leos and Shinzens Video did not relly help

Think of it in the sense that you're allowing everything. So, reintegration is the natural flow of the mind from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind. So, without resistance, repressed aspects of the self will naturally buoy up from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind, thus expanding your awareness and allowing those aspects to integrate. Just like a buoy that isn't weighed down will naturally rise to the surface of the water.  And just like water and gas will naturally fill any space that isn't obstructed. So, doing nothing will allow for all content to come up from the subconscious as there is no resistance.

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