
Any Science Or Math Nerds Out Here?

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I am just curious to know how many scientific minded people are into self help. I myself am a physics undergrad.:D

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@Sigma  I like science for the benefit of myself, other than that it's probably way over my head. =(

I envy you 

More philosophical if anything 


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I am a physics undergrad, too ( Germany ). I started to work on my undergraduate thesis a couple of days ago. It's about the fermion sign-problem of the Monte-Carlo-Simulation of the tight-binding model of graphene ( theoretical physics ).

I am using personal development in many areas of my life, but especially in my aspiration to become a researcher in the field of grand unified theories and theories of everything like string theory and others.

I like to examine how good the human mind can grasp the structure of reality.

Edited by Arnie
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@Arnie I too am using personal development to enhance my efficacy as a researcher. I am glad that I can resonate with you so well.

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i love science, and truly respect physics, but couldn't be good in it at all, i tried many times, it is just .... how to put it ....... Weird?

i mean whenever you go a bit deep in physics, and just scratch the surface and they start doing all those weird things to the math equations, from abusing lineralization, using some equations without constraints and finally treating infinity as a number or an entity ....... i mean people <_< come on, how can results be achieved with those.

and lets be honest in here, whenever creativity is required to find a total force things i usually mess it up, solving those silly unbelievable cases of monkeys rolling on a sphere that with its friction with the rolling disc that is thrown and fit to the sphere, which is moving on a frictionless infinite plane, when will the whole fiasco would stop?

i mean i understand the purpose of the exercise and all, but it still for some reasons i can't get right results, and in the lap it get way worse, i just used to keep nagging the instructor with questions that he can't answer most of them in the class and curriculum limits, i respect physics and their professors, they are quite the smartest, and weirdest fellows you can find in the whole university, and wish you guys the best luck in your journey ... on that damn frictionless fiasco ...

Edited by Cookiesliyr

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20 hours ago, Cookiesliyr said:

i mean whenever you go a bit deep in physics, and just scratch the surface and they start doing all those weird things to the math equations, from abusing lineralization, using some equations without constraints and finally treating infinity as a number or an entity ....... i mean people <_< come on, how can results be achieved with those.

You're right, from a mathematician's point of view, mathematics gets raped hard in physics, as my fellow students and I use to call it ; D Physicists use to first calculate and use theorems and then bother about the limitations of the things they just used.

But, it works...

Thanks for your best wishes!

Edited by Arnie

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I am also a physics undergrad :) I study in Austria. But I'm considering changing to IT. It appears to be more applicable in everyday life:)

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I should have been into self development long ago because my life quickly decomposed after I graduated from Caltech... I've since become a lot more self aware,  and I'm pretty sure a lot of my colleagues in the science world have Aspberger's like me.  Just an observation, but it's important because without emotional intelligence, I think scientists tend to be susceptible to life crises from which it is difficult to recover.

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I'm mainly in mathematics, programming and finance. But I see scientific thinking just as the perspective.

I'm in self-development in order to heal myself. I have difficult story of life and this story still continues. Now I'm much more mindful and self-aware. Understanding of the mechanism, how the brain (the psyche) works, helps me a lot.

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I'm a computer science undergrad. . . so I'm a logic guy? I don't know. Anyway, that might count as being a math nerd who's into personal development.

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I'm not a maths nerd, but my husband is and we have many interesting discussions as you can imagine!  He isn't practicing any self enquiry, and is a little resistant to the realisations I am experiencing. Not in a nasty sense, but more in a skeptical sense. Hopefully one of you may be able to help me with a question that we were trying to discuss last night. On what level does time exist? I 'know' that 'I' am no time and no space, but my husband raised questions about progress (both personal progress and evolutionary progress) which also appear to be truth. There does appear to be a passage of time. How are these 2 truths (if in fact they are both truths) co-exist?

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I am thinking of choosing physics as an undergrad, to learn more about thermodynamics,magnetism,quarks and such

Edited by JevinR

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Also having an intense love for futurism

"Eventually we will be gods"

Degrasse and Kaku are science popularizers/public figures, but the ideas are what lure me in 

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I study computer science in Berlin, Germany. I love to connect my field of study with understanding psychology. This way I can bring the frontier of human intelligence, human patterns and the way our consciousness works together with mathematical, strictly defined and deterministic approaches to develop better algorithms and have a lot fun mixing both. :P

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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Exploration Geophysics (lots of Physics) and Computer Science

Then Geology as I found it irresistable to combine

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