
What Is Really Real

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Hello, just one quick question, if all there is is god, and the ego or self is an illusion, what's the point of trying to find your authentic self, or life-purpose? Isn't that all an illusion as well? Because if all there is is god; Absolute Infinity, well you, where does the higher or lower self come from, or the authentic self? Wouldn't these all just be projections of the ego as well? Thank you


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Not all of illusion is ego, but all of ego is illusion. My understanding is your authentic self is there underneath your ego as awareness, and when you lift the mask you are able to access it. 

Some consider that authentic self absolute or "true" reality, some call it nothing, some call it no-thing, some say it's a projection. Personally, I feel we're always limited to a projection and there are infinite layers to peel back.

Would like to hear other perspectives though!

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consciousness (all that there is); my understanding of Leo, metaphysics and other people who talk about Truth.


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  On 9/13/2017 at 8:58 PM, caelanb said:

Hello, just one quick question, if all there is is god, and the ego or self is an illusion, what's the point of trying to find your authentic self, or life-purpose? Isn't that all an illusion as well? Because if all there is is god; Absolute Infinity, well you, where does the higher or lower self come from, or the authentic self? Wouldn't these all just be projections of the ego as well? Thank you

Do you want to know what the truth is or do you want to believe what others are saying? If it's the later then that's fine, you can just continue with your life as usual. Nothing wrong with that because it's all one, even being stuck in illusion.

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What is really real?

Consciousness is synergy that has the ability to expand and pervade through any corresponding planes of existence simultaneously and indefinitely.  This development becomes a foundation for the parallel existences in Mother Nature.  In fact, the commonly known stories of human beings running into ghosts or spirits as well as the extraterrestrials are among the few instances of parallel reality being discerned by the human mind frequencies.

Basically, consciousness arises in every corner of space and space itself is an expression for the existence of energy (in the sense of vibration).  Consciousness is naturally looking outward to objects and it is flitting all the time.  When consciousness develops into distinguishing or discriminating objects, mind would arise concurrently.  Mind is actually cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space.  It is the most potent vibration to which other similar frequencies are constantly resonating.  In the Buddhist context, kamma-vipaka is actually the traits of consciousness in play through the web of spacetime or present-dynamism.  Kamma-vipaka could exert across different planes of existence concurrently and it is akin to an electrical impulse in our heart system whereby the electrical signal travels through the network of conducting cells or pathways that stimulates the upper chambers and the lower chambers to contract until the entire heart contracts in one coordinated motion. 

In a simple term, the traits of consciousness would pervade and transpire through the continuum of spacetime or present-dynamism.  As such, kamma-vipaka can never be deciphered as an eye for an eye kind of notion because one cause is never enough to bring about an effect.  Each of the causes would need other causes to be present together with their respective conditions.  For instance, we could not endorse convincingly that some natural calamities associated with succumbing hundreds and thousands of innocent human lives are due to the respective kamma-vipaka of individuals.  Retrospectively, there could be multiple of causes deriving from several other planes of existence with the effect horizon being ripening upon maturity on the human plane per se.  The conclusion is that every single thing or happening in Mother Nature is closely inter-depending, inter-waving and inter-relating with one another and this applies to all different planes of existence since the dawn of time in a very comprehensive and complicated network. 

Generally speaking, all different planes of existence are the end result of polarity in the traits of consciousness with the mind functioning as a forerunner in determining the frequency of the traits.  In fact, it is the elements of memory within the mind that become the basis for the heritability of consciousness bearing traits; without it, whatever evolution of consciousness in spacetime or present-dynamism would be impossible.  Besides, there are variations and conditioned relationships in consciousness between beings; it is not identical but neither is it completely distinct.  The new arising consciousness is neither identical to, nor entirely different from, the old consciousness, but forms part of a causal continuum or stream with it.  On another aspect, the varying vibrational frequencies in the respective planes of existence would conjure up unique forces of energy that are interweaving and interfering amongst other corresponding or resonating frequencies elsewhere.   As such, it is not surprising for one to observe a growth or a demise of certain species in a population as there are always natural forces interacting and complementing to bring forth a harmonious dynamic system across all planes of existence in Mother Nature. 

In addition, the fluctuating vibrational frequencies amongst different planes of existence would bring about variances in terms of the relative timeline.  Under a common pace of spacetime or present-dynamism, a higher vibrational frequency would yield a slower becoming process and vice versa.  This is because, by nature, everything is interconnected and balanced with both the yin and the yang aspects.  Yin and yang are actually complementary but opposing forces interacting to form a whole greater than either separate part; thus bringing forth a dynamic system existing in harmony.  For instance, in a relative term, the experience of one second in a celestial plane (higher vibrational frequencies) is equivalent to ten years for a human plane (lower vibrational frequencies).  As such, from a human perspective, all the celestial beings are assumed to have been living in a continuum of eternity. 

And there is a possibility for beings to perform a time travel from one plane of existence to another via a wormhole.  A wormhole is literally a cross path for different planes of existence.  The described wormhole here is basically referring to a tweak of frequencies by beings with higher vibrational frequencies to discern the beings in lower vibrational frequencies.  The general prescription is that any realms of higher vibrational frequency would be able to discern the realms of lower vibrational frequency.  However, the realms of lower vibrational frequency would not be able to discern any realms of higher vibrational frequency.  This is because if the vibrational frequencies of the perceiver are lower than the perceived, the cascading events are deemed impossible.  In other words, the object or matter must keep on within the purview of the subject’s frequency horizon; without it, the observation would be impossible.  It is akin to any beings of higher vibrational frequencies having an aerial perspective on the affairs of beings with lower vibrational frequencies rather than the other way round.  Therefore, beings of grander vibrational frequency span are able to discern at-will basis on all other beings with common vibrational frequency span via a tweak of frequencies.  In fact, one of the instances on time travel that occurred many times in the human plane of existence is the trance mediumship or channeling. 

Basically, there have been some elements of compatibility that in turn conjure up a synergic cohesion of mental and physical energies and consciousness between the medium and the spirit that manifested through the body.  Beings of higher vibrational frequencies from another plane of existence would have the ability to encroach upon the human innate mind consciousness that is basically lower vibrational frequencies.  A gateway or so-called a wormhole is deemed necessary to initiate the spirit communication and it is embedded within the human innate mind consciousness per se.  In present society, the trance mediumship or channeling has a number of purposes but mostly, it is pertaining to foretelling the well-being of the interested party, especially in Asia.  Basically, the spirit with higher vibrational frequencies has the ability to grasp the future possibilities related to beings with lower vibrational frequencies because of variances in the relative timeline.  Comparatively, the clock would appear to be ticking faster in the human plane than the celestial plane because a higher vibrational frequency would yield a slower becoming process.  Therefore, it is not a case whereby the spirit has a classic talent to foresee things ahead of time in the human plane because everything would exist at the same time under a common pace of spacetime or present-dynamism only. 

In fact, the mind consciousness can be altered and transformed into a potent black hole of emptiness that strongly attracts and magnetises vibrational frequencies i.e. the beginning of attaining psychic powers among individuals.  With such a potent faculty, it has the potential to stand out as a gateway of communication for beings from different planes of existence as well.  Just like a powerful telescope, humans could expand their consciousnesses by increasing the innate mind frequency span via deep meditation respectively.  Also, with the progress of civilisation, the human mind frequency span would be altered progressively as well.  For example, it is unknown to mankind the existence of cosmic rays previously.  With the advancement of science and technology, humans have begun detecting and realising its existence in the cosmos.  In other words, what exists is defined as that which can be known.  If it cannot be known by the mind, then it does not exist.  Therefore, previously, those cosmic rays did not exist to mankind as it was not discerned by the human mind frequencies.  Only in modern days, with the advent of advanced astronomy studies and experiments, did humans alter and expand their innate mind frequency span to a grander scale to enable the detection of things with higher vibrational frequencies.  

For general understanding, as a human, the traits of consciousness are not within the physical body per se.  Instead, it is the physical body that is within the traits of consciousness with the mind functioning as the forerunner of all things.  Basically, mind is a pattern of consciousness which is born from awareness and it can be categorised into two terms i.e. prevailing consciousness and subtle consciousness.  The prevailing mind consciousness is closely related to the physical body, whereas, the subtle mind consciousness is somehow independent from the physical body.  This is because when the physical body is being switch-off temporarily the subtle mind consciousness would continue to work unpretentiously as in the experience of lucid dreaming.

Nevertheless, all objects or matters as observed by the mind consciousness must transpire within the purview of the group traits of consciousness.  This includes all the projections and reflections of reality or fallacy being identified and experienced by the respective mind consciousnesses.  In fact, the group traits of consciousness would perform like a powerful microscope and telescope whereby nothing can be discerned outside its horizon.  Moreover, the human physical body is merely an interim containment of certain blueprint of vibrational frequencies.  Basically, humans are the end result of a certain unique frequency pattern of consciousness – a wave of collated high and low vibrations that subsequently bring forth a conflation of mind and body.  Slower vibrational frequencies would lead to the body and the sense bases formation and faster vibrational frequencies would lead to the mind formation.  Collectively, it brings about a new life existence with a unique individuality that would not allow the disruption by any kind of external interference; thus it maintains a self-identity.  In other words, mind and body are present in every created thing as one integrated whole.  Upon maturity, it would dissipate and assume into other resonating frequencies elsewhere within the group traits of consciousness.


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@caelanb I would suggest that you continue meditating and go deep with self-inquiry work to understand the true existential nature of reality. 

Because when you do these questions will no longer exist and neither will YOU.  As you embody the Truth.

Also, if you think that these questions have to be answered, it's clear they don't have to be. All you need to do is be comfortable with the feeling of confusion and accept it temporarily whilst YOU are the one seeking the truth in YOU.

But, if you want my opinion on this I agree with what @hundreth said.

Edited by The Monk

"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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  On 9/13/2017 at 8:58 PM, caelanb said:

what's the point of trying to find your authentic self, or life-purpose?

it's fundamentally pointless. but you, as existence itself, cannot stop existing. so you better enjoy eternity!

it's ok to embrace roles as long as you don't confuse yourself with them.

being hungry sucks. starvation sucks. so i work not to be hungry and to allow as many people as i can not to be hungry as well.


unborn Truth

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