
Why Does Being Present Feel So Good?

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I was meditating a few hours ago, and after a few minutes in, I entered into a state of utter  perceptual clarity, What strikes me as wondrous however, was how much pleasure I felt in being present. I have been meditating on and off for a couple of years, so I am no stranger to the feeling of "being present", but in previous times, I had merely felt a sense of peace and calm. This time, not only did I feel peace, but a great deal of pleasure as well. 

Then I thought to myself, "well, it isnt intuitively obvious that being present and thoughtless brings  to one such a pleasant subjective experience, I mean, if I had never experienced this personally, and were asked if I would rather be able to have my mind filled  with positive thoughts on the one hand, or have the experience of having no thoughts  at all and being present on the other hand, I would pick the former anytime." Of course, once you actually get a taste of being in the moment, you will pick that over having positive thoughts. So what the hell is it, scientifically speaking that makes this possible? It just seems extremely weird and mysterious to me. 

Edited by emind

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It's not all that mysterious if you think about it.  It's simply that you're satisfied to be as you are in the moment.  You're not looking for anything to add to what you are in the moment to make that moment better.  It's the lack of habitual or addictive thought patterns and behaviors in that moment of satisfaction.  Lack of mind agitation.  

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19 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Heart of Space it's so much more than what you are describing.

I'm totally open minded to some sort of mysterious divine peaceful-ness that is primary to experience and have experience states of extreme 'non-divine' peace and bliss.  But, I've never had any experience of that and that's not what I experience now, so I remain skeptical that it's something that's achievable.  That is, if this is what you're implying.  

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Freedom from identification with the Mind and emotions.  Direct perception of reality without all the mental filters.  A feeling of total liberation.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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16 minutes ago, Nahm said:

It's mysterious af. I can't  imagine anything more mysterious. 

The satisfaction with the present moment is not mysterious to me at all.  The present moment, consciousness, or the subjective experience itself is pretty mysterious, actually the most mysterious thing in the universe in my opinion.  

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Part of it is that presence is a non-resistant state which allows for both an immediate diffusing and gradual releasing of a lot of contractions and emotions that we hold. 

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12 hours ago, Heart of Space said:

The satisfaction with the present moment is not mysterious to me at all.  The present moment, consciousness, or the subjective experience itself is pretty mysterious, actually the most mysterious thing in the universe in my opinion.  

Mysterious in the sense that it is not an experience happening in the universe it's a universe happening in an experience. I am seeing we all mean something quite different by being. No wrong answers or anything, just very different. 



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In the complete present moment you aren't really thinking about anything, you are simply being a natural processes of universal flow. No past making you depressed, no future making you anxious, a thoughtless state, a taste of Freedom.

Edited by pluto


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