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Guided Meditation Or Solo?

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What is a better way to meditate? Being guided step by step and listening to it while looping in headphones or just sitting there without any guidance and putting all efforts Yourself ?

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@Akshay It depends on the level of your awarness. In the beggining I found guided meditations and meditations with headphones the best, but after a while you have to be able to meditate without those and paradoxically guided meditations and meditations with headphones (brainwaves, meditation music) Will accelerate you evolution towards being able to then meditate without those in comparison to starting with just being in the now meditations because if you do the more advanced versions of meditations you might get stuck in illusion and the progress Will be slower not faster.

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@Akshay Try a few weeks of both and you tell us which worked better for you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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