
Soylent 2.0

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I'm taking Soylent 2.0 currently and it serves me very well and is very convenient. 

The only time it does not it looks like thus far, is when I don't drink enough water on my part(lol)

The nutritional value from it looks rather impressive

If anyone is well scripted in nutrition I would like your advice on this!

I'm thinking of taking Soylent 2.0 as a foundation(if it works out based on how I feel)

Than finding out what vegetables,fruits, and fish have that Soylent 2.0 does not, and add accordingly to my diet. 

Your thoughts on it? 

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Does it taste any good? This is like so you dont have to eat food right? It's just some funny shake thingie? You know when I went into the shop a few hours ago. I wanted berries, like some fresh berries, raspberries and blue berries. I went to 2 shops. I really wanted berries. But well then I ended up with this thing. A juice. It was berries. Raspberries and blue berries and like 10 other berries. It had like all these fancy letters on it and so forth. But the juice was meh. They just threw berries in a mixer and called it a juice. They could've just given me the berries instead and I would've made a better juice. So I don't know. Food is something to enjoy not to throw in some funky shake so we don't have to eat.

I guess I have a very very different view on viewing food lol.

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@Psychonaut It taste alright to me, I mean it's not as pleasant as saying eating fruit. You don't have to make anything it already comes prepackaged and ready in a bottle which is very convenient, I save about maybe 20-25 minutes sometimes I suppose if I don't make my own meal, but the thing is it is more nutritional than most of the food I eat I think. The berries things sound a very unpleasant experience lol, the Soylent would be Meh for you as well I think, but maybe not. If I could drink all my nutrition I would honestly, but from time to time I would eat food I think for pleasure, but it's more productive this way(When I Wanna Be)Pleasure is one aspect of food, I get tempted by pizza from time to time, but I resist sometimes....lol, but recently with Soylent I have less desires when it comes to food thankfully, but I have the idea since I'm still desiring something to eat I still am lacking something Soylent is not providing, thereby me concluding that I need to research what Soylent doesn't have, just my thinking


I don't think your view on food is bad BTW, I like it. 


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Soylent is not going to have any kind of long term scientific data to support if it can replace eating solid foods so, you have to evaluate it based on some principals and make your own decision from there:

  • Most types of shakes/drinks of this nature tend to be somewhat calorie-dense and offer a lower amount of satiation.

Our stomachs have "sensors" in them that detect how much it has stretched, how full it is and the density, or richness, of the food contained in it.  When you eat 400 calories of rice, potatoes, vegetables, beans, fruit, ect.. your stomach is going to be physically full because it takes a lot of those products to reach that many calories.  For example, 1 pound of sweet potatoes is only 400 calories.  You're going to feel very full after eating that and not be hungry for a while.  Now, if you drink a 400 calorie shake, that is not going to be as voluminous or heavy (even though it contains the same amount of calories, or "energy") and so you'll feel hungry sooner which can lead to over eating.

Now, we also have to consider the practical application.  Is Soylent better than pizza?  Yes.  We are humans.  I think the 190 billion dollar fast food industry in the USA proves that convenience is CRITICALLY important when it comes to the dietary decisions that we make every day.

My advice would be to use something like Soylent as it's intended, which is as a supplement.  It should supplement your daily intake of whole foods, but your diet should primarily consist of high quality staples such as oats, rice, beans, peas, lentils, fruits and vegetables.

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@Phocus Thank you, will be researching nutrition as soon as the monkey chatter slows down, I know now I wont be able to solely survive off it. I get the feeling I need to incorporate fruits and vegetables, infact will try to have a salad today my body is telling me to do so. 

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