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Experience Of Immortality And Changing The World

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Hey guys this Ivan ;)
at Actualized.or for "Friends of Life"

Wanting to share with you some experiences that have worked for me in the process of "Friends of Life".

This is a group working for inner development, with 2 general objectives:
Having the experience of immortality and changing the world.

The process is done in 6 retreats/steps, and supported by 8 books (by Petur Gudjonsson).

Book 1 (What really matters) starts off describing how our lives and society in general is controlled by fear, and especially the fear of death, and that for us to function well we need to experience our future as "open" or "having no barriers". The experience of having a limitless future is what the author call Immortality. 

The books go on explaining precisely how to do that, touching themes like our Inner Guide, deep intentions, beliefs and illusions, truth, passion, inspiration, time-space, deep silence, the "I", etc.etc.

Please tell me if this makes sense to you. 

The whole is free of charge, and promoted by volunteers.

Here's a video explaining the process:



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