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Vitamine Water

It's So Simple You're Overlooking It

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Hey guys!

About 30 minutes into my meditation something cool happened.  I became aware of "time" (how long I was meditating). Then I realised that my mind created this thought, because it didn't want to focus on meditation. My "mind" was only a thought. Something that I have created. Therefore time is just thought. Eureka!

Later I asked myself: what am I if the body is finite? What is there in my body, that is infinite and will excist after the body dies? A few seconds went by and then boom: AWARENESS. It is awareness (of my body) that survives. It is awareness that is aware of everything, DUHH!

My focus vanished. There was just awareness. It's weird to even call it awareness. It's just a word. The mind only recognized "it" and labeled it awareness. Oh mind, stop it you!

I then had a random thought about a girl I just met, and I became aware that awareness was aware of the thought. I smiled. Then I opened my eyes and looked at some clothes in front of me. I realised: awareness is aware of sight! It seemed so damn obvious! It really felt like the most simple thing in the world. This went on for about 10 seconds. 

But yea, the ego won for posting this insight. I need a Zen stick. Back to staring at the wall now. 

The art is to look without looking 

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14 hours ago, Vitamine Water said:

Hey guys!

About 30 minutes into my meditation something cool happened.  I became aware of "time" (how long I was meditating). Then I realised that my mind created this thought, because it didn't want to focus on meditation. My "mind" was only a thought. Something that I have created. Therefore time is just thought. Eureka!

Later I asked myself: what am I if the body is finite? What is there in my body, that is infinite and will excist after the body dies? A few seconds went by and then boom: AWARENESS. It is awareness (of my body) that survives. It is awareness that is aware of everything, DUHH!

My focus vanished. There was just awareness. It's weird to even call it awareness. It's just a word. The mind only recognized "it" and labeled it awareness. Oh mind, stop it you!

I then had a random thought about a girl I just met, and I became aware that awareness was aware of the thought. I smiled. Then I opened my eyes and looked at some clothes in front of me. I realised: awareness is aware of sight! It seemed so damn obvious! It really felt like the most simple thing in the world. This went on for about 10 seconds. 

But yea, the ego won for posting this insight. I need a Zen stick. Back to staring at the wall now. 

Do you feel expanded at all?  When you discover Being, it's like all your boundaries float away from you and you expand out to everything and nothing at once.  You'll feel it.  It's not a casual moment.  It's an oh shit! this is what it is! moment that you need.  You're rooting around in the right pasture though.  Keep exploring.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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48 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Do you feel expanded at all?  When you discover Being, it's like all your boundaries float away from you and you expand out to everything and nothing at once.  You'll feel it.  It's not a casual moment.  It's an oh shit! this is what it is! moment that you need.  You're rooting around in the right pasture though.  Keep exploring.

Exactly what I thought man! This was just a surface level experience. It did not feel like infinity. I did not expand into nothingness itself so to speak. Good to hear it's in the right direction, tho, thanks :)

The art is to look without looking 

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