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Electro-dermal Screening

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Hi All,

Just had this Electro-Dermal Screening done. It was quite an interesting appointment. In a nut shell it can help you identify if you have any bacteria, virus, fungi/yeast and parasites, also which organs are under stress or weak, and which minerals/vitamins you need. They have you hold this metal rod in your left hand, then they touch the other end to points in your feet and hands. It's hooked up to a laptop and it shows whether your testing positive or negative. I didn't tell the practitioner anything about myself, and because I work with a naturopath I know what issues my body has. It was very accurate as far as telling me which minerals I need, and also picked up on things like the fact that I had dengue fever in the past. It also detected a load of dormant bacteria/virus etc that I've been given Homeopathy drops to flush out of my system...

It was only randomly that I stumbled into this, because I've just sent a lot of samples to labs to test my heavy metals, parasites, virus ,bacteria etc etc because there are some inflammation issues i'm testing positive for that we can't wrap our heads around, and this is the next step in troubleshooting. It just so happened that I was getting some Accupunture here and i heard about it, so thought it would be interesting to compare tests! 

Will let you know how the comparison goes. ElectroDS Vs. Stool testing

Edited by Voyager

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