
Realize Enlightenment In 4 Seconds

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Enlightenment walktrough in a few sentences. A helpful video and it's only 9 minutes.


Edited by AleksM

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@AleksM So you believe in individual souls? I'm convinced you've seen behind the curtain. Can you offer some of your experience to me on these two perspectives? My experience has told me otherwise, so I'm very curious. Thanks! Great video though btw. 



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first, there is a difference between believing you are a soul and actually being a soul. Yes you can believe in a soul, spirit and all that, but it doesn't change anything, it only changes something when you are being it.

You can't identify the soul in any perceivable way, and you can't identify awarness, being, or nothingness. So that is the True reality, because you can only be that.

After you "identify" as a soul (being) ), it's the same as being enlightened because you can't identify the soul in any imaginable way, it's impossible, so that doesn't conflict with enlightenment at all.  It's a lot better to come to a realization that you are a soul than to a realization that you don't exist at all, because if you then start believing that nobody exists you can become apathetic, which lowers the vibration of your being by a lot.





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@AleksM I exist, Nahm is a hallucination, Nahm is not a seperate thing, not even a soul.  Nahm is relativity, not a thing. This is the experience now.  I wonder if we're saying the same thing, in different ways, or if you find you are a soul with properties that seperate your self from the One, from Love.   



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On the mental level, everything is relative and separate. So even if I say I am a soul, that could be interpreted by the mental level as a belief and that is not what I'm pointing to. The soul I am speaking of doesn't have any properties to it.  The soul / the true self / the real you it's something beyond explanation. It's like observing the body/mind/conscious self/subconscious self while the real you (soul) abides in this  being realization that as a true self you are something beyond all these things, witnessing all that is. Like a flower has beauty and essence to it. This essence is the soul. You can't identify this essence, you can only realize what it's being in the now.:)

meaning of essence(Google): the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character.

Edit: you could say that the beauty of the flower is relative but this is egoistic not spiritual. When the body is attuned to the universe (432Hz and grounded...) then the beauty of the flower is undeniable. You walk around noticing this embeded beauty which wasn't previously seen. Notice that this is very rare if not impossible with people who have big egos. They can't stop to smell the roses.

Also, you could say that you are love, courage, joy, peace, desire, fear, shame, guilt, pride and obviosly consciousness. Those are just essences you can embody and than when you blossom out of that essence, properties of that essence become apparent.

Ultimately the highest self is every essence at the same time but you're embodying these essences separately as a soul. Like for example, do you imagine embodying love and shame, fear, neutrality at the same time? How does that look? I don't think you can immagine that. That's why You (the highest self) separated itself from source to better experience itself. :D

Does that help and make sense to you? It sure does for me.




Edited by AleksM

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@Nahm Yes, I totally get what your talking from the first post on.

I Will try to explain it from a different angle.

You can't be aware of the soul because the soul is being awareness.

Awarness is being downloaded into the essence of the soul, and then awarness is aware of Nahm. God-view is self. Life-view IS. Process is pure consciousness. Emotion is ineffable. You are being awareness.

You are not only awareness, You are love, You are peace, You are joy... but You can't experience all of those things at the same time, that's why you separated yourself from source into beings, to experience different essences separetely, to better experience yourself.

When love is downloaded into the essence of the soul, you experience an emotion of reverence.  Nahm. God-view is loving. Life-view is benign. Process is revelation.  You are being love.

When piece is downloaded into the essence of the soul,  you experience an emotion of bliss. God-view is All-being. Life-view is Perfect. Process is Illumination. You are being piece.

When joy is downloaded into the essence of the soul, you experience an emotion of serenity. God-view is One. Life-view is complete. The process is transfiguration. You are being joy.

@Real Eyes  Apperances are an illusion.

Edited by AleksM

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You win the prize for the best click-bait title haha ;)

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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