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What Is Systems Thinking?

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I found the systems thinking video interesting. But I can't grasp the purpose of it. Can someone give me more insight towards it?

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I think the point of systems thinking is to become conscious of how reality is interconnected. That sounds very abstract, I know, but let me explain. 

Many people try to fragment reality and look at problems only from the surface. But as a systems thinker, you are not interested in the superficial vanilla layer. You want to get to the true cause of global and personal issues and understand them from big picture point of view.

If you apply systems thinking to society, you will begin to see how it is connected to spirituality and consciousness. Have you ever wondered why a society even exists? The people who are only interested in the superficial answers will say to get a job, survive and reproduce. But what function do these things serve?   If you really introspect, you can clearly see they are a distraction from enlightenment and tools the ego can use to remain the tyrant in power. 

But why are most people not able to see this? There are two main reasons 

1) Because of our society -- and all the cultural beliefs that come along with it. 

2) 99.999% of people care about self-survival at the cost of Truth. 




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One does not simply give insight.

The purpose of of systems thinking is get better results that are based on a big perpetive.

The opposite would be for instance only voting in the election based in the candidates clothing. 


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