
Background Noise

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When I did some self inquiry I noticed something. I knew this already for a long time, but I didn't thought much about it. When I'm silent and aware I notice a constant sound. I'm not sure if it is a sound though. It is similar to the background noise of an old TV, those big boxes. Like the snow when you have no signal. It is always present and I don't mind it. So I wonder what this is. I had the idea that I might hear my own brainwaves, but I think that's too far fetched. My hearing is very good, I'm also under 25 years, so my hearing hasn't declined. I can't remember an instance when I had hearing damage by for example fireworks. Some people have a permanent noise and they get crazy because of that, but I don't get crazy. 

Does someone experience this too?

Any thoughts on this matter?


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Yeah i notice this when wearing really strong noise-blocking earmuffs.  I'm pretty sure this is normal, and not the same thing as tinnitus.

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I think it's normal. Nowadays we are surrounded by massive number of gadgets and electronic stuff. They have some sort of humming no matter how subtle they are.
Even nature and your own body has a natural sound. you can almost listen to your heart beats sometimes when paying intimate attention in solitude

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Marinus i hear this ALL THE TIME. Originally only during meditations, but now throughout my day. And the volume depends on my level of focus.


i always thought this is the "stillness" which Eckhart Tolle frequently talks about (like here). Is it not?

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@Anakin I think so too.

It is the only sound like perception I have when everything is quiet. Maybe nature helps you to discover that, because many people these days are always distracting themselves with stimulation. 


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