
Should I Do Something Before Diving Deeper Into Enlightenment?

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I realized how powerful the ego can be, so im wondering if I should do first some shadow work/meditation/focus on creating a life purpose before doing more self inquiry, like gearing up before a boss fight.

just how different is liberation with "shadow work/meditation/focus on creating a life" compared to enlightenment?

I feel like im in that spot where im ignorant but not ignorant enough to slide into enlightenment more or less without a lot of suffering. can that be the case? or is achieving liberation requires suffering for most people?

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I don't see the difference.

Waking up happens spontaneously or when people can let go fully from what I understand.

Enlightenment is embodying the energy of love/lightness, which requires letting go of judgment and emotional suppression.

And letting go gets more likely to happen as well the more you are comfortable with life/yourself/God.

So advaita is very much like therapy too, but it's different in the sense that it's not about believing in the story behind it, not needing to know why release is happening, because it does happen automatically as you return to the present.

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Try to stop questioning everything for a moment. Really, calm down. Quite your mind first, meditate.

You don't have to understand everything. Be okay with unknowing. Drop every idea you have about enlightenment, suffering, shadow work etc. Just sit and shut up. 

There comes a point when there are no questions left. 

Edited by Vitamine Water

The art is to look without looking 

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