
So Where The **** Is The "looks" Factor?

14 posts in this topic

So this part of the forum is supposed to be all about relationships,but since that's the case why does nobody talk about looks?


i've been following leo's videos recently and I've been real curious about his video "how to hook women like crack".He really gets into the depths of feminine phycology with this one but I've noticed that he tries to motivate guys by saying "if you do this you r gonna hook the hottest pornstar girls" and it seems kind of odd that he implies that no matter how you look you deserve the best girl or at least you can seriously improve your quality as a man so you do in spite of the way you look which is genetic and in a large scale unchangable.So it seems like he implies that girls are out there searching for really deep stuff from guys while we guys only care about a woman physical appearance and this part is cool cause you know most guys are only going to get interested in who a woman is in terms of character traits as long as the exterior seems pleasant to them and in fact society is not even embarrassed to accept this.However there is a huge but there so BUT, women or at least most women judge men the same way and especially In their early years and mostly at their twenties.So I need to ask where does that leave average guys or even highly unattractive guys in terms of looks?how are we supposed to get the attention of the model like girls and most importantly how are we going to feel that we deserve that attention and we do not receive it thanks to some sort of gimmick or trick?











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42 minutes ago, Zackk said:

So this part of the forum is supposed to be all about relationships,but since that's the case why does nobody talk about looks?


i've been following leo's videos recently and I've been real curious about his video "how to hook women like crack".He really gets into the depths of feminine phycology with this one but I've noticed that he tries to motivate guys by saying "if you do this you r gonna hook the hottest pornstar girls" and it seems kind of odd that he implies that no matter how you look you deserve the best girl or at least you can seriously improve your quality as a man so you do in spite of the way you look which is genetic and in a large scale unchangable.So it seems like he implies that girls are out there searching for really deep stuff from guys while we guys only care about a woman physical appearance and this part is cool cause you know most guys are only going to get interested in who a woman is in terms of character traits as long as the exterior seems pleasant to them and in fact society is not even embarrassed to accept this.However there is a huge but there so BUT, women or at least most women judge men the same way and especially In their early years and mostly at their twenties.So I need to ask where does that leave average guys or even highly unattractive guys in terms of looks?how are we supposed to get the attention of the model like girls and most importantly how are we going to feel that we deserve that attention and we do not receive it thanks to some sort of gimmick or trick?

He doesn't cover looks because it's so LOW on the scale of true attractiveness compared to the things he talked about. Look your best, that's really not that hard, a guy who takes care of himself and his looks is just a part of having the FULL PACKAGE. But it's so unimportant compared to the other things he listed.

Memento Mori

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Looks may give you a woman but wisdom will keep her.

Your appearance is about the easiest thing to change about yourself(within your physical limitations). Becoming a man of quality and value is bit more tricky.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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If a man looks like Quasimodo, he will have issues attracting women no matter how high quality his personality is. Harsh but true. Looks can be a deal-breaker for women too. But priority-wise, looks are generally lower on the totem pole for women than they are for men. If a woman is given the choice between an average looking guy who has many great qualities and a super-hot guy who's a hot mess; chances are the average looking guy is more likely to catch her attention. I say chances are because attraction in never guaranteed because it is based on emotions, but more likely. But if Quasimodo with a heart of gold, pocket full of money, and all the best personality traits asked a girl out, she's going to say no unless she is equally physically unattractive, has very low self-esteem, or is only interested in money or social status. Biologically speaking, the drive is to carry on your genes through future generations. Unattractive father = unattractive sons and daughters = less options for them to reproduce (especially for daughters). Nature is harsh like that. The best thing a man can do is to make sure he's well-groomed, nicely dressed, and on top of his life. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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"Pook #22 - Looks or Personality?

As guys, we love to make fun of women in how they always hold some clothing up and ask, "Do you think I'd look fat in this?" (Answer: A) Oh yeah! You'd be a bloated whale! B) No, of course not ["You're just saying that to make me feel better!"] Of course not honey. ["Liar! You think I'm fat!"] C) Proceed to bang your head against the wall.)

Women spend all day 'putting on their faces' (as if they were born without one). They waste countless hours shopping for the 'perfect' dress, reading countless magazines for 'fashion tips', etc. We make fun of them, mock them for it.

But women are obsessed about beauty because of us. It is our fault. After all, if a woman could cure all of the diseases, compose symphonies, and write literature, we would only remember her for how she looked.

We, on the other hand, are obsessed with our jobs, our status, and our brains. For us, looks usually translates into working out = building our muscles = appearing to have more 'protection power' to the chicks.

Women look much more for 'the complete package' with men. Women would take a less attractive man that can make her feel good, make her laugh, make her FEEL romantic and all those other goodly good feelings women are addicted to then a handsome bloke who doesn't know what he's doing and doesn't know how to make her feel good.

Men are also more discriminating. Girls that don't look good have a very very hard time since looks is what men always screen on.

Being a not as so good looking guy is not a vice. Being a guy with a bad personality IS.

Less attractive guys with great personalities will always have HUGE advantages over attractive guys with bad personalities.

Women may be attracted to you by your looks and give you more auditions, but it is the personality that keeps them.

Nice guys' personalities is that of supplicating, never disagreeing, always going, "Whatever you want dear." Jerks' personalities is that of not caring, always self centered, and always going, "Relationship? That just means sex on a semi-annual basis, right?" Nice Guys are great for relationships, jerks are great for attracting but both lose in the long run.

Guys want good looks. But women want CHARMING, FUNNY, SUCCESSFUL, and INTELLIGENT guys that will sweep them off their feet."

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Most people look nice, if they have clean clothes, they are clean, they smell nice and take reasonably well care of themselves (do some sorts of exercise, think what they wear at least a little bit, shave, brush teeth etc.). Even if you would have some kind of slightly weird facial features, but if you dress nicely and genuinely think that you are a nice person and let that shine through, it is very likely that you will have great dates and nice relationships. :)

The problem is that many people do not have the motivation to do even this bare minimum. They might think that you have to be something "so amazing" that with decent face and a bit too much on the waist - it is game over and they just let it slide completely. But this is just not true. Most people can do so much for themselves with little things - taking care of those little things is a sign of loving one self and it is positive energy and this is why it does make a difference. 

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Looks does make difference but not that much. It's pretty self explanatory, you don't want to look like the most hideous creature on the planet. 

Make it look like you take care of yourself. Be healthy, wear something clean, etc. I don't this area covers a whole of aspects in self development which is likely the reason why Leo did not make a video about it^_^

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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"It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness"

Presence.  Acceptance.  Purpose.

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Unless your deformed, mutated or have poor health, such as being too overweight to the point where it's unnatural there's always a way to look attractive physically. Also you got to remember there's a difference between attraction (in terms of looks, sexiness and what not) and style. A lot of people worry about the irrelevant things such as hairstyle, what clothes they wear (How your clothes complement your body however is very important to physical attraction) and whether they should get a tattoo, wear jewelry, get tanned etc. etc. the list goes on. In society we have trends that we learn from models famous people and shit like that. People look up to these celebrities so what they do is considered cool or sexy or whatever. 

Think about it. No matter how stupid someones dressing style is, if they are loved by many people that will turn into a trend therefore that type of appearance is automatically attractive. This means if you are a confident attractive person your looks automatically become "sexy' by default. 

So i wouldn't worry about looks, As long as you take care of yourself you can still appear physically attractive doesn't matter about your genetics whether your nose is too big and all that shit. 

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On 26 February 2016 at 6:24 AM, kyle barnett said:

Unless your deformed, mutated or have poor health, such as being too overweight to the point where it's unnatural there's always a way to look attractive physically. Also you got to remember there's a difference between attraction (in terms of looks, sexiness and what not) and style. A lot of people worry about the irrelevant things such as hairstyle, what clothes they wear (How your clothes complement your body however is very important to physical attraction) and whether they should get a tattoo, wear jewelry, get tanned etc. etc. the list goes on. In society we have trends that we learn from models famous people and shit like that. People look up to these celebrities so what they do is considered cool or sexy or whatever. 

Think about it. No matter how stupid someones dressing style is, if they are loved by many people that will turn into a trend therefore that type of appearance is automatically attractive. This means if you are a confident attractive person your looks automatically become "sexy' by default. 

So i wouldn't worry about looks, As long as you take care of yourself you can still appear physically attractive doesn't matter about your genetics whether your nose is too big and all that shit. 

Thanks mate after 2 very productive weeks with my phycologist I kind of started to figure this shit out.So long story short we make our own obstacles and everything is in our minds after all.


also if I can contribute to my own post I would like to share some knowledge with you guys being able to support your own style is a nonexistent thing.we all should dress and style our hair as we please then if we feel confident with it other people are going to get attracted to it because of the confidence our style inspires us.i just needed to get that out since I have decided to grow my hair out and I know about all these awkward phases and all but hey if I want to try long hair long hair it is no more anxiety and worries about whether I look good with these trying it and experiencing it comes first.





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A lot of guys who fail with female attraction tend to blame it on there looks. They assume if only I looked better, maybe girls will give me a chance. I personally do not think looks will save them.

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Don't worry guys, even the deformed, mutilated and really, really fucked up ugly guys get hot girls. I have seen this with my own eyes. I don't know if they can keep them over a long period of time, but it's actually possible. Maybe not elite alpha model women but certainly hot enough. For some women, looks are very important. But not all women are this way. If you are a deformed ugly motherfucker then you keep on searching until you find the right one. Keep up a pleasing personality (and I don't mean be a pleaser!) and a positive, mental attitude at all times. Because for some women looks are not that important, and for some women apperently looks are not important at all, because I have seen some challenged (in the looks department) dudes have hot girls.

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"A smart ugly man can have success with women, but a pretty idiot is irresistible."

- William Makepeace Thackeray

.. that's what life taught me so far

Edited by Locooig

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For us women, looks are not so much important. I know many pretty and hot guys, but I don't like none of them because of theirs character, intelligence, education and so on.

About looks, the first important thing is hygiene. Be always clean, always wear a perfume (that's something what women adore!), take care of your teeth and weight because it is a matter of health, not just looks. And pay attention on your clothes, in my opinion most of the women (or it is just me haha :D ) like men who are into office style, because they look smart, like leaders and so on. Suma sumarum, don't wear clothes like a basketball player if you are 25 already, like One Three Hill guys. :D In high school it is sexy, but later no.

Apart from that, humor and self-confidence are really the most important. Show her that you're out of her league, although she is much hotter that you! Tease her and play with her, don't let her see that she is out of your league and she can have you whenever she wants, show some criteria and she'll feel special about you picking her, instead of other girls. 

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