
Can You Get Real Full Control Over The Mind? If So, How?

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I know meditation is the answer but will it actually give full control over the thoughts? to be able to stop them, to make creativity flow in the wanted direction, to get out of a negative loop, is this all really possible?

if so, what meditation practices are best for that?

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Yes you certainly can. It's not about trying to control negative thoughts or wanting to get rid of them, it's about allowing them to be there in your awareness without fearing them or believing them. If you really look at it the only reason you want to stop negative thoughts is because your afraid of them. Coming from somebody that's suffered from obsessive fearful thoughts I can assure you that there isn't anything to be afraid of. I still have negative thoughts and I always will, it's just that they have a much lower intensity then they did. I am still in the process of becoming free of my mind and emotions.

A good meditation practice is to just sit on a comfy couch, chair or bed doesn't really matter. Close your eyes and let your thoughts be don't believe them just let them pass by in your awareness. 

As for the creativity question it will just come naturally as your mind noise starts to quiet down.  

I hoped this helped you Ilya, have a great day.

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