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Different Aspects Of Self

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  1. That which you are not (lower self aspect)
  2. That which you are (higher self aspect)
  3. That which you actually are (highest self)

You might think of those also as an aspect

  • soul (intention to be in the center)
  • oversoul
  • shadow aspect
  • observer ego
  • agreeable aspect and unagreeable aspect (the denial aspect)


Now I have done a Google search and found more selves


The analysis to be presented here distinguishes among several kinds of self-specifying information, each establishing a different aspect of the self. These aspects are so distinct that they are essentially different selves: they differ in their origins and developmental histories, in what we know about them, in the pathologies to which they are subject, and in the manner in which they contribute to human social experience. Here, in capsule form, is the list:

The ecological self is the self as perceived with respect to the physical environment: I am the person here in this place, engaged in this particular activity.
The interpersonal self, which appears from earliest infancy just as the ecological self does, is specified by species-specific signals of emotional rapport and communication: I am the person who is engaged, here, in this particular human interchange.
The extended self is based primarily on our personal memories and anticipations: I am the person who had certain specific experiences, who regularly engages in certain specific and familiar routines.
The private self appears when children first notice that some of their experiences are not directly shared with other people: I am, in principle, the only person who can feel this unique and particular pain.
The conceptual self or ‘self-concept’ draws its meaning from the network of assumptions and theories in which it is embedded, just as all other concepts do. Some of those theories concern social roles (husband, professor, American), some postulate more or less hypothetical internal entities (the soul, the unconscious mind, mental energy, the brain, the liver), and some establish socially significant dimensions of difference (intelligence, attractiveness, wealth). There is a remarkable variety in what people believe about themselves, and not all of it is true.



What do you think about aspects of self?

Edited by AleksM

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I've been contemplating this recently myself. Of course someone on here might tell us to stop worrying about it because we don't exist anyway ;) 

I think there may be as many selves as we want really, just split your consciousness into something different, give it a name, and start talking to it. Perhaps that's is what "God" did in the first place. 

but seriously, I feel like there's a "me" which is the current observer, then there seems to be a self that is behind the curtain, building my dreams and sending me images during meditation/auditory hallucinations.   "Me" the observer doesn't conjure up these things, but some part of me does. Or parts. 





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I feel like there's a "me" which is the current observer, then there seems to be a self that is behind the curtain, building my dreams and sending me images during meditation/auditory hallucinations.  

@starsofclay The current observer is the soul, the witness. The self that is building your dreams and sending you images is the higher self.


Other aspects I have discovered in the meantime.

Integrated aspect |Disintegrated aspect

And than you could say all those are certain aspects of ourselves (also the aspects before neutrality are part of the lower self and beyond neutrality are the aspects that are part of the higher self):

  • shame aspect

  • guilt aspect

    apathy aspect

    grief aspect

    fear aspect

    desire aspect

    anger aspect

    pride aspect

    courage aspect

    neutrality aspect

    willingness aspect

    acceptance aspect

    reason aspect

    love aspect

    Joy aspect

    Peace aspect

    Conscious aspect




    We are just experiencing different aspects of ourselves! :D 


Edited by AleksM

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@AleksM Lately I have been practicing channeling with automatic writing, and have limited it to  aspects of my self and higher self. It's really rewarding, you should try it if you haven't before.  Lots of insights and questions about myself bubble up from this. It's also a good way to train ego and subconscious. I figure that at least If I am only channeling myself, then all information is valid. It may be misleading, especially if ego gets in the way, but still valid nonetheless. 



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@starsofclay  I have done it many many times, this is basicly the process from where the best ideas come from.  Yes it can be misleading if you get stuck in the 4D illusions. Check the video below to better understand what I'm talking about.



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