
Fuck University, I'm Going To Thailand!

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What is up fellow humans. My name is Adam and my favourite colour is purple

You can scroll down to the SOOO if you just want to see my question, if not read the story. DO IT? and this is in no way spell checked.

I just got back from a 10-day Vipassana retreat, which is my 3rd retreat this year, and wow, damn, crazy stuff. Being my 3rd retreat at the centre I knew how it worked, how my mindfullness would increase, all the subtle aspects of life becoming more vivid and delicious. Breathing, walking, EATING, showering, all precious indulgances. But I felt different about my intentions this time around. I wanted something different, something deeper. I didnt want no passing meditation high. I wanted the truth to smack me in the face and make me never forget. And i think i got it. The first 5-days where what I call "preperation". Just basic meditation, slowly increases the duration of the sessions. Finally when i reachd a 2 hour session ( Mindfull prostration, 1 hour walking meditation, 1 hour sitting meditation) shit hit the fan real fast. My teacher told me there are 3 ways to insight. They are also the 3 characteristics of life. Impermanence, no-self, and SUFFERING. An daamn did i suffer like a mofo. For 2 days i was locked in my tiny ass room meditatiing until 6 in the morning. Fun stuff, i basically went crazy. Imagine being tired, hungry, nauseous, worrying, wanting to kill yourself. ALL FORE THE SAKE OF THY INSIGHT . So finally the insight came, obvsiously not in a way that i thought it would, like coming down from the heavens on a golden platter in a spotlight held by Siddartha himself. No, just by taking the day off, meditating as much as i would like to, and crying my heart out at the love and bliss this universe has, how infinite it all is and how it is available for anyone, anytime, you just have to, have to?/*&P#:<QRL. It's that easy.

Anyway, about thailand. Im 17, going into my last year of highschool and i really dont think im going to university any time soon. "WHAT, NO SCHOOL, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET A JOB. fuck off bob, let me meditate in peace." My teacher told me about his "school" in Thailand, he trained there to be a teacher for some years and recommended i go to get a taste of spiritualiy at its roots. This shit really interests me. like i couldnt go to sleep after hearing about it. My thoughts were "Fuck university, I'm going to Thailand". I'm not against uni, but theres nothing thats meaningfull there for me. My life is divided into 2 categories right now. Music and spiritaulity. My bro is in his 3rd year of music studying composition at UofT and he told me straight up, dont go if you want to become a musician, just love the music and it will love you back. best advice ever right. I went to a 2 week music camp this summer, it was based in a university and i was with professional musicians and ametuers like myself. I noticed that half of these guys were just robots tho, playing the music so systematically that it made me angry, they didnt appreciate what was in front of them. So fuck that, ill just busker, and jam, and record and release and travel until i die! And then theres spirituality. How can school honestly teach me spiritualy by giving me books and writing essays. Ill still be living my normal like, commuting, blallballa. Thailand seems like the only option for spirituality. I finally found a school in which i would like to dedicated serious time to. i dont want to get married but im foregoing all other paths for about 3 years to strictly surrender myself to Vipassana.

SOOOOOO the question is. Should I take the first year off after highschool and go to Thailand to study Vipassana for 2-5 months? 

Many graces brethren.

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Thread title is misleading, sounds like you are thinking of foregoing school forever or dropping out or something.

 So basically you just want to know if you should take a gap year or not?  From everything I've observed, gap years tend to be excellent experiences for most people, and will help you decide what you want to do when you do return to school.  Nothing wrong with broadening your horizons before hunkering down for 4+ years of school. 

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It's fine to take some time off just make sure you go back to college or find a decent paying career. Remember robots will be taking our jobs soon, so don't depend on many jobs in the coming future. We have to plan and adapt to the coming problems with advanced AI robotics. 

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3 hours ago, AstralProjection said:

It's fine to take some time off just make sure you go back to college or find a decent paying career. Remember robots will be taking our jobs soon, so don't depend on many jobs in the coming future. We have to plan and adapt to the coming problems with advanced AI robotics. 

I think we should see a basic income in 5-10 years, because also the social climate is just changing, and because a technological breakthrough shouldn't be out of the question either.

But aside from that, you can live just fine being a beggar usually or live in a monastery.

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@AdamDiC Whaaaaat your fucking 17 :D. That is crazy haha. I think you should definitely do it because you will regret it if you dont.  

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"Should I?"

What a pointless question. You already know deep in your heart what's right for you. Should and shouldn'ts only create resistance. If you are not clear, than contemplate some more. 

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@lennart @Afonso @Space Thanks guys, you're right I should do it. I know  want to, but it's just so radically different from what everyone else is doing around me that i felt i needed to hear someone say agree. The only people i NEED to say yes are my parents, they both need to give me permission to go, it's a monastary thing. SO wish me luck!

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21 minutes ago, AdamDiC said:

it's just so radically different from what everyone else is doing around me

do you think the world will get any better if people continue behaving like unconscious robots by feeding a miserable lifestyle?

what we need is people with courage to purify themselves and live up their highest Truth. you're more than welcome.

unborn Truth

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@AdamDiC From my obversation you have two options in life: eather you go with flow of the masses and just do what everyone else is doing because its easy and it doesn't take serious effort or you do what you know you want to be doing even if its radically different.

For example the author Joseph Campbell quit his PhD shortly before finishing it because he realized that it was not fulfilling him so he decided to go into the woods and live in a cabin for 5 years where he did nothing but read books.

If you will just do what everyone else thinks is appropriate you will wake up at some day and realize that you missed a great opportunity!

I wish you good luck :)

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