
Life Purpose Course -> How To Make My Very Abstract Life Purpose Concrete ? (mystery-awareness)

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Hi everyone,

I did the Life Purpose Course very successfully till video 69 (Bringing it all together), then everything came crashing down in doubt.

My life purpose statement so far:

I use audio-visual art/ I have a message to restore the pre-conceptual immediacy of experience and increase mystery-awareness in people.


Now my doubts:

1.       I know what state of being I associate with mystery-awareness, but is this word ‘mystery-awareness’ specific enough for a life purpose ? Mystery-awareness basically is a sense of wonder, but mystery-awareness resonates much better with me in my native language (Dutch).

2.       This whole pre-conceptual immediacy of experience / mystery-awareness thing may just be my personal description of happiness, I don’t think it is, but I am not fully confident to exclude that possibility. How to know for sure it isn’t ? Of course happiness can’t be a life purpose, since it’s the ultimate goal in life for everyone.

3.       Thinking about the ‘how’ gives me the biggest doubt of all, how can I make something so abstract and personal into something interesting for other people. How can I elicit this state, of presence and wonder combined, in other people ?

Edited by Pristinemn
Wrong title

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Are you sure this "mystery-awareness" can be "restored" in people by some audio-visual art?

No, I am not sure about that at all.

My life purpose is very clear. The 'how' seems impossible though. The medium I want to use doesn't really correspond with the goal I want to achieve. Most of all achieving a goal for someone else is nearly impossible.

So now what ? Just drop my life purpose all together ?

Edited by Pristinemn

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1) That is fine, as long as you understand what you mean. The LP statement isn't for anyone else but you.

2) Well, what you're really talking about with "mystery-awareness" is "spiritual connection". It's the whole aim of spirituality and nonduality. You've only felt 0.001% of its full power yet. Wait till you experience the Absolute. It is 10000% "mystery-awareness". It is Sat-Chit-Ananda. It's that ineffable thing you're pointing to without fully realizing it yet.

3) Don't worry about the how. Just decide that this life purpose is what you want to devote your life to, and trust that your INTENT will pave the way. It will be a fun discovery process. You cannot know the path before you walk the path.

Very important: YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW HOW. You merely need to get clear that this is the most important thing in life. The rest will follow.

You're on the right track. Don't doubt yourself now.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thanks Leo for the confirmation. I decided on my life purpose statement. Time to start imprinting my subconscious.

13 Years ago I became aware of this spiritual connection. Just a glimpse here and there has been abundantly convincing to realize this connection can be the only ultimate thing in my life.

The exploration-process started already a few months ago when I spend a month in the forests of Sweden, with almost zero money; Episodes of deep connection to the eternal mystery of existence guaranteed + better awareness of what is practically needed in life, and what is absolutely not.

Sidenote: The Master and his Emissary may be a very overlooked book on this topic, yet very valuable.

Edited by Pristinemn

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Maybe you are overthinking too much in advance here. Steve Jobs didn't know he was gonna build the IPhone at the infancy of his career.  The Ego is sabotaging you with all this Mind-Matrix stuff.  Just put something together and start moving forward.  Let the path give up insights as you traverse it.  Don't get so hung up on paralysis by analysis.  Be an explorer.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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