
Harmony = Love = Fundamental Nature Of Our Universe?

2 posts in this topic

Everything in our universe seems to strive for harmony. From galaxies, stars and planets, to ecosystems, animals and bacteria. From atoms to the very laws of nature. Nature always is looking for the perfect flow, the equality of all matter and energy. It is striving for a perfect state of tranquility, ending in presumbably the heat death of the universe, in which all energy is evenly despersed.


Conceptiolly, we all are energy. We all are matter. As far as we can tell, what we call energy and matter is consciousness. Chaos in consciousness is suffering, ultimate flow of consciousness is love. It is very interesting that suffering itself is resistence, the opposite of flow. When there is no resistence in mind, there is no flow.


If everything is consciousness it might be that suffering is not just a property of mind, but a property of the laws of nature themselves. Everything that creates resistence must be avoided. This would mean that atoms themselves suffer, or in other words, the act of resistence within atoms is suffering itself, and a state of ultimate "satisfaction", a state in which an atom is completely in harmony with itself, not striving to change whatsoever, but in perfect balance, it is a state of love, or peace, or whatever you want to call it.


When I say love I am not referring to the conventional use of the word, but for whatever enlightened people are referring to. Maybe even whatever Albert Einstein was referring to in his letter to his daughter. The love they are referring to seems to describe an attribute of the universe, rather than simply a mere feeling. Now, what if that "love" is nothing but the striving of the universe for harmony? What if we can become conscious of the laws of natures themselves, because after all we are nothing but the laws of natures themselves. Consciousness and the laws of natures are equal to each other, the one conceptional, the other what it really is. So because nature is always striving for harmony it is the grand goal of the universe. I am not saying there is a purpose behind it, I am saying that all purpose is created out of the striving for harmony. I am saying that everything in the universe, seen as a duality, is an interplay between harmony and chaos, love and suffering.


I do not think that harmony or chaos has any real value, I am just saying that every single atom in this universe is striving to reach ultimate harmony, which is why something like life could even appear. Life is the most complex harmonic act the universe came up with. If the universe was not fundamentally striving for harmony, if it wasn't "build" that way, then life would have never appeared.


It seems like our universe goes from ultimate chaos to ultimate harmony. From chaos, to complexity, to equality. The interplay of chaos and harmony is required for life to exist, because harmony itself is simlpy equality, meaning all "matter" in the universe is in the same state. This will be the end result of this universe. The intial chaos and the following striving for harmony allows everything that happens inbetween. All the galaxies, all the stars and planets, all life. All of it a result of chaos calming into harmony.


Even if it seems that a being is creating chaos, within it's mind it is always trying to create harmony. It will always avoid suffering. Does that mean that in the end, all that will be left is harmony and love? Will we all become harmony and stay that way for eternity? Seems like we really got lucky with our universe?


Anyone further thoughts on this? I am not sure if Harmony would be better described as the "end result", and love as the act of striving for harmony? Maybe we have to keep both words seperate. Becoming conscious of the striving for harmony is probably different from becoming conscious of harmony itself.

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