
What % Neurosis Must Be Surpassed First?

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I recently re-watched Leo's main video...there was obviously a lot of stuff that I didn't fully absorb the first time around....one of the main points being: that overcoming neurosis would come before undertaking life purpose work....(insert me, as Homer Simpson, having a revelation)

this makes sense to me...and likely explains why I struggle so much with actually successfully doing my life purpose work/ or not destroying it...but I don't like the idea of having to put my work on hold because I'm too fucked up...that sucks...but I'm not accomplishing much this way anyway...

I am ridiculously neurotic...I have so many of the neurosis Leo lists...it would likely take a large percentage of time/ my life to surpass ALL of them....do I really have to avoid life purpose work until I evolve more?

Are some neurosis more likely to hinder my work? How many neurotic behaviours do I need to transcend before I could successfully dive into my work?


Edited by Epiphany_Inspired

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@Epiphany_Inspired Do you honestly think you can hone in and carefully craft your art with all that mental noise happening in your head. I'd like to think finding your life purpose starts and reveals itself when you start to shed away layer and layers and layers of conditioning. 


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@K VIL100%, really???...that seems extreme! I don't buy it...

@JustinS  I already have my life purpose...revealed easily, long ago...I just struggle with neurosis that still hinder my efforts...I am shedding layers all the time...I've become quite serpent-like...lol...but: how many layers, are certain layers more beneficial, how do you discover which, if they are really powerful layers - how do you surpass them, and...must work be on hold indefinitely?

I received a stunning personal message about the intertwining of purpose & neurosis, related to the quote I posted above, super heartwarming!

Leo's video on meaning has helped me with this too. I know this is going to sound ridiculously ignorant, but I hadn't actually fully owned up to my perfectionism issues being self-worth issues, and that I was creating them...I was stuck in a perception that my perfectionism was about my desire for mastery, my intense discernment of quality, and my frustration with translating things from my mind to reality...Despite the information in Leo's perfectionism video...I had not truly or willingly considered that beneath that, there must be some subconscious bullshit where I feel inadequate...and that it translates into my conscious mind as well...

Although I haven't figured out exactly how this helps me yet...is mindfulness of the self-created, self-worth paradigm enough? probably not...oddly, my self-worth is actually thriving in most other areas...it's the connection to my life purpose work that's the issue now...ideas?



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@Epiphany_Inspired If you would get rid of all your neurosis how long would it take you? Maybe years. When you work on your life purpose you'll bump into walls of resistance, that's when your neurosis shows up. When you know which neurosis causes the most resistance then you can work on them.

Maybe you like to keep secrets which don't have anything to do with your life purpose. Maybe you want approval which interferes with your life purpose. In this case approval is holding you back the most, so you try to work on that instead of secrets. This makes you more productive. I don't know if one can get rid of neurosis for good, but when you tackle the toughest ones, massive growth will follow and hopefully your life purpose will too.


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which video is this?  "leo's main video"?

Edited by thehero

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6 minutes ago, electroBeam said:


Totally agree. The whole thing with "life purpose" in the external is pretty much a neurosis too imo. You don't need to solve anything to live your real purpose. 0%. It's easier if there is less neurosis to begin with though.

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the whole reason why leo made the life purpose course is because youre too neurotic to just sit with silence all day, being with yourself. the life purpose course was made as a way for you to deal with your neurotic dislike for the way things are right now.

it is itself a cure(or really a distraction) for your neurosis.

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11 hours ago, electroBeam said:

the whole reason why leo made the life purpose course is because youre too neurotic to just sit with silence all day, being with yourself. the life purpose course was made as a way for you to deal with your neurotic dislike for the way things are right now.

it is itself a cure(or really a distraction) for your neurosis.

if your life purpose is just a distraction from your neurosis then what's the point? it's just fake growth then? where's the benefit here

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8 hours ago, thehero said:

if your life purpose is just a distraction from your neurosis then what's the point? it's just fake growth then? where's the benefit here

There is no point. What's the point to growing? Give an answer that isn't vague and flowery. What specifically is the point to growing? Do you have strong evidence that the place you're going to be is a place that will truly make you happier? I'd you havent been there how do you know? Do you even know if a life purpose will get you there, assuming you're a fortune teller and you know the goal is worth it?

Growth is like chasing money, fame, fortune, <put whatever other materialistic item you can think of> if you're doing a life purpose to get to some 'point' you are terribly mistaken.

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Thanks everybody!

 @electroBeam Of course there is no point, or aim, totally!.... I'm just living in this realm as another silly fucking human...it's seems preferable to do something "worthwhile" for the sake of doing it & attaining mastery, etc...  

generally, I am not much of a materialistic person (i do love velvet & satin though.....lol)...i live in the middle of nowhere with a very rustic home and life... i'm not chasing money or fame...if i'm chasing anything with this....it's more like a way to sort of re-pay my gratitude back to the universe...(like baking a pie for a neighbor that has helped out) and to live in harmonic resonance/ authenticity/ integrity, in this construction of reality...i don't think i could just sit in darkness all the time, expanding my consciousness...with no food or income...regardless if this reality is "real" or "illusion"...being in this body, there is some participation required, or else there'd need to be a willingness to allow this human body to starve to death or something....

The answers of 100% and 0%, seem so extreme despite their polarity...Although I may not have time, in this lifetime, to attain 100% quickly enough...I also seem to have been living with major obstacles in relation to the 0% (as in struggling to do the work, or destroying it)...I'm going to assume that the answers I seek...as in most personal development work...have something to do with balance...and some sort of counter-intuitive principal I must come to understand through personal experience or something....thanks so much for your help everyone!



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growth is the same thing as money and fame? in leo's happiness video, LP is right below enlightenment and he puts growth in the "high-tier". and he puts money and fame in the lowest tier

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The thing is, imo, waking up doesn't  require surpassing anything. And with that a process of bringing everything unresolved into peace happens which takes time of course. But that then is already your life purpose. Everything is secondary; even if a lot of very beautiful things might grow from this. I guess Eckhart Tolle speaks about "primary purpose" and "secondary purpose" or something like that in his book "A New Earth" in the later chapters.

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I'm in a similar situation as you, highly neurotic and really I've had a fire lit under my ass lately to sit the fuck down and put some quality time in on self inquiry and meditation.  No more bullshit, no more excuses, no more feeling sorry for myself, everything else is a distraction.  At this point I don't have a life purpose because I first need to tame this wild animal that is my mind, or at least get out of the way of it, because it doesn't serve a purpose except for enhancing my suffering and neurosis further.

I have a career already and I make a decent salary, have a mortgage, etc, but my short term goals have been:  work overtime, meditation and self inquiry 2 to 3 hours per day, pay off my student loan debt, build some equity, then figure out a life purpose if it suits the situation, then sell my house.  What I'd like to do really is a long distance hike, either thru hike the Appalachian trail, or walk across America.  When I think of life purpose, I think of playing societies game, and the game is what I'm trying to unplug from.  IF that life purpose entails a life situation, I want no part of it really, I think I could live in a cave and be perfectly happy.  A big neurosis of mine is the view of the self in others, and it holds me back from focusing on my goals because I'm so worried about what others may think of me, mainly my family and friends.  


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