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Becoming Entrepreneur At 16!? Crazy Or Good?

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Hi everyone,

First off, thank you for even starting to read this question I really mean it, to take time out to read my question and maybe answer.

So I'm 16 and just finished with 10 years of the required education here in Denmark. I have taken the choice to take one year off to go make something for the market. If this fails really bad I can always go back to the education system, and then it is free here :). But if it goes very good, why not just keep going with my life purpose?

A little about me so you can make a better judgment of this idea. I love programming and can make websites, I have done programming for 2,5 years. For those who know about programming, I'm mostly backend and use Node.js, Golang and Docker and of course, I can also HTML, CSS and javascript. So learning by myself is not something new to me. I really love to learn, especially when I understand the why of something. I also watch all new videos from Leo. I have bought a lot of courses and also bought the life purpose course. I'm committed to using 10 % of all I earn on learning things. Then I meditate for an hour a day, with determent sitting. I also have ideas I'm working on. I'm also being to listen to audio books.

One thing that is really funny to me, is when I talk with a teacher about a subject that is on a higher level than they teach they say that they can't remember it because it is over 20 years since they learned about it. They are literally telling me that they don't use and can't remember what they have learned in school. So why would I?

Leo said that you have to go to high school and college. I don't know if he is taking to people who other wise would go work at a fast food shop. Or he literally means everyone, because he also said that the education system is terrible.

In programming, there are a lot more people who are self-taught so I would be able to get a job anyway.

Sociale I have also got into pickup, and are going to entrepreneur events.


What do you think? Am I crazy or is this a good idea? What have you learned in high school and college you other wise would not have learned? Do you have a list of things I would have to learn? What am I going to miss in the education system? Are you sure it is better to go back to the education system?

Any other thoughts on this subject?

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If you have a year off anyway, why not give it a try. If you realize its not going to work out, you could just get a normal job for the last 6 months or whatever of your free year. Even if you fail, it can be a valuable experience. Are you alowed to own a company at 16 year old in Denmark?

Is your business plan to make websites or do you have some other plan? 


My first published essay

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 @Erlend K I just don't know about the future after that. If I after that year everything works and I begin to get money what then, should I anyway go back to the education system or not?

No, I'm not allowed to own a business at 16, but I can work in a new business my dad/mom create and then buy it for $ 0 at 18.

I have another plan, you properly don't know this, but when you send a message here in this forum a lot happens before it shows up in as an answer. Your computer sends your text plus your login information to then it validates your data, so it knows it is you that send it and not someone else, then it tells it to store it in a database, if the database will not accept the data, there is something that will tell you "sorry your post could not be posted, please try again", if it gets stored, it will look for everyone that needs to get noticed about this update, and so on and so on. There are thousands of lines of code to create this forum. This is what I love to create, some system that deals with data, this is also what makes sure that when you send a message on Facebook that the right person gets it and stored in the right database. For the customer, it is just a black box that does what you want it to do.

I have some different ideas for how to get the right data and calculate this data right to solve some problems. I have two clear ideas and some more that is not as clear, one which is easy to make and solves a simple problem, another that is hard which can change the hold education system. I will do some more research while I finish the life purpose course, on the easier because that is what I can finish in this year. Then I can also get experience with the simpler one so I don't destroy the good one. I don't really want to talk about them here because I can't delete it after 48 hours.

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Do it. The most money is to be made when you are unconventional. 

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@the_wandererI'm 20 years old and started my business last year, it's been the best decision I've ever made. I've met amazing people that I wouldn't have otherwise, people that've taught me things and that I've learned from. I've been able to take my ideas and test them in the real world, which has given me a better understanding of what the markets are looking for.

But the deepest insight that I've had having my own business is that learning and knowledge are ESSENTIAL to making anything successful. It's given me a whole new appreciation for gaining understanding and applying that knowledge. I used to hate school and not try at all because I didn't see the value in it, but having to grow something from scratch changes that pretty quickly.

So my advice for you is:
- Learn as much as you can from talking with others, reading, and thinking for yourself
- Try out a ton of your ideas by putting them in the real world and see what fails and what succeeds
- Show love for those that help you and support you along the way

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