
Why Is "being" So Special?

14 posts in this topic

of course it's not special, it's all there is, but WHY is it more exciting than family, love, cookies, fun video games, sex, etc.? I get that all of those things are a part of being when it's their "turn", but lets say im doing nothing right now, why is that more fulfilling than all of those emotions that are pleasant to me when i get the things i love? 

i kinda understand that i have to experience it to know it really, but i think an explanation might progress me there.

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Why is a projection of your mind. There is no why in being. 



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@Empty well why bother self actualizing at all if you can say that all of it is a projection of your mind.

this question was more to get a better theoretical grip of presence in order to know how to experience it more clearly.

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Your egoic constructs are very, very limited compared to being. Everything you say is "good", "positive" any goals is all predicated on your survival and the self or ego is the number 1 thing keeping you from Truth. So how could you ever know that being is actually what you want when all you know is your egoic desires? And when the ego doesn't get these things it sits there and wonders why it feels empty, why it feels it has problems, why it needs to work on itself, improve itself and it starts to suffer and now not having this love or family etc. Starts to harm you and you'll never be satisfied in this unconscious chasing process, you'll ALWAYS feel like you're missing something, you can't FILL the void inside you, its always there. Nothing fills it. Being allows you to be conscious of your Egoic Illusion Chasing. Chase after all that stuff but do it consciously so you're not left sitting there wondering why you're not happy or why you feel empty or that you're suffering. Being is Truth, its the thing that allows you to enjoy every moment. Its "more exciting" because there's no YOU to say that things are shitty, or that things bother you, or that you need to be protected. Alk that shit goes out the window, now imagine how happy you could be from that. Get out of the rat race and BE.


Memento Mori

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3 hours ago, Ilya said:

of course it's not special, it's all there is, but WHY is it more exciting than family, love, cookies, fun video games, sex, etc.? I get that all of those things are a part of being when it's their "turn", but lets say im doing nothing right now, why is that more fulfilling than all of those emotions that are pleasant to me when i get the things i love? 

i kinda understand that i have to experience it to know it really, but i think an explanation might progress me there.

Your infinite true being is complete. The world you percieve is just an illusion it does not exist only your consciousness truly exists. It contains everything including the unlimited joy or excitement you may or may not percieve. Said joy always comes from that source it is merely triggered by things in this illusory world sometimes because you allow yourself trough your mindset and web of believes to percieve this joy.
Thats why you can potentially allow yourself to have unlimited joy just from doing nothing because it is already included in your true being.

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2 hours ago, Ilya said:

@Empty well why bother self actualizing at all if you can say that all of it is a projection of your mind.

Precisely for that reason. To really see that all is a projection of the mind, is a long self-actualization process. That's not something you can just grasp in one day, or even one year. It's too much for the mind to handle.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Ilya said:

but WHY is it more exciting than family, love, cookies, fun video games, sex, etc.? I

Because it's a bottomless bucket you can never fill. But the ego doesn't know or forgets that when its engrossed in these pleasant activites one after another, then another, then another. It's afraid of nothingness, it is it's very own death that's why! Haha ? 


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I suppose the analogy would be -- imagine the way a happy baby feels.  We can't feel that good haha.  We are too conditioned.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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On 9/3/2017 at 11:01 AM, Ilya said:

of course it's not special, it's all there is, but WHY is it more exciting than family, love, cookies, fun video games, sex, etc.? I get that all of those things are a part of being when it's their "turn", but lets say im doing nothing right now, why is that more fulfilling than all of those emotions that are pleasant to me when i get the things i love? 

i kinda understand that i have to experience it to know it really, but i think an explanation might progress me there.

Fulfillment is just a definition. When something is "fulfilling", it's providing a need (healthy food, socializing, feeling safe and secure). The mind seeks out things that are fulfilling. What's important to discover is that your mind, the voice in your head seeking out fulfilling things, isn't coming from you -- instead, it's an automatic process. Your true self is not wanting for anything. Your true self only watches the thoughts that come up as "I want this" or "I don't like that" or "why is X better than Y?". It's only the mind that compares apples and decides which one would be more "fulfilling". So in that since, there is not anything that is more or less exciting to your true self than what is going on now. It's only the mind that says "yes, I like this" or "this feels better than doing nothing", etc.

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On 9/3/2017 at 8:16 PM, JustinS said:

Because it's a bottomless bucket you can never fill. But the ego doesn't know or forgets that when its engrossed in these pleasant activites one after another, then another, then another. It's afraid of nothingness, it is it's very own death that's why! Haha ? 

I feel the fear of nothingness, but I'm not sure how all this is supposed to work:  surrending, forgiving, letting go.  I think my mind is in such a state of conceptualizing everything it tries to turn no-thing into some-thing, to see it, to hold it.

Maybe I'm looking for a mechanism that doesn't exist, a clever trick of the ego/self?  Paul Hedderman says the way out of the self isn't through the self.  But the self is all I know, except for brief experiences that the mind clings too through memories or dreams.

I don't know how to die, how to shed this shell that keeps my self at the center of the universe?  How!? 

Edited by MiracleMan


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@MiracleMan I think you lack structure, is a a bunch of structured courses that bring you to what you want.

if there comes a time when you feel fear the "trick" you were looking for is like you said- surrender, means that you just accept whatever happens and not try to deny that there's fear or try to correct it. but I think it's pretty hard to surrender right into enlightenment on the spot, requires practice.

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On 9/3/2017 at 1:01 PM, Ilya said:

of course it's not special, it's all there is, but WHY is it more exciting than family, love, cookies, fun video games, sex, etc.? I get that all of those things are a part of being when it's their "turn", but lets say im doing nothing right now, why is that more fulfilling than all of those emotions that are pleasant to me when i get the things i love? 

i kinda understand that i have to experience it to know it really, but i think an explanation might progress me there.

eating cookies, playing video games, sex...those are fun.  enlightenment is a path other-than suffering.   So I think if you asked this again, when suffering, the value would be apparent.  



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