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Insight: Deep Breathing As A High Consciousness Defense Mechanism

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When you're trapped(identified) by thoughts (mental sounds, monkey mind) the breathing is faster and it's harder to remain conscious of it.

It's easier to be conscious of a slow breath. When the breathing is slow, the body is relaxed, the parasymphatetic nervous system is activated, and more healing energy is received.

This means a relaxed state is more conductive for being conscious.

Let's say you came to the stage where you have no thoughts the whole day.

If you have absolutely no thoughts the whole day and your breathing is pretty fast(slower than an active monkey mind, but still fast), than you can get lost in the projections of the mind pretty quickly, so it doesn't matter at all if you don't have any mental sounds present for long periods of time. Thoughts (mental sounds) are just surface phenomena... the mind can still operate in the teritory that is not directly perceivable. So being truly conscious is much deeper than just not having any thougths.

 The best indicator of consciousness that is directly accesible in the now moment is the speed of breathing.

Rapid breathing leads to disease.

Slow breathing leads to healing.

When you embody higher states of consciousness, the slow breathing becomes a part of you. The body gets synchronized with devine bliss(that which you actually is).

Now, realize you cannot rid yourself of the mind. So the only thing that makes sense is synchronizing your mind(you) which is inherently dualistic  with You that doesn't know any duality. You can do this in many ways but the basic principle is that you disidentify with your mind. The less resistance is present the more you are synchronized.

Okey, now let's say the mind projects a dualistic pattern onto the now moment  that amplifies duality... after that the body starts to perceive that duality.

How do you recognize that this pattern is not synchronized with devine bliss?

You recognize that by the fact that You lose the connection with yourself. You fall in consciousness and you start to act non consciously. The breathing loses it's rhythm and you find yourself in a downward spiral if you allow that to continue.

The mind is reprogramed by repetition. So let's say you consciouly recognize the out of sync pattern for the first time and use awarness to correct it. You did great. However that is only the realization. The mind Will not surrender to a greater Truth after "doing" this only once. The mind Will project this pattern for many times, depending on how much of that dualistic pattern you embodied in the past. This is only to test You.


If you still didn't embody the slow breathing (most of you didn't), than use the slow breathing when you recognize a totally misaligned pattern to be able to switch the channel. When you slow your breathing down you get that ability to switch and use more of your awarness healing power to correct unwanted behavior.

The mind is like a vampire. It sucks your life energy and Will keep doing that if you keep allowing it. When you follow the thoughts presented and the deeper projections than it's like inviting that vampire in your home. :D You prevent that by your CONSCIOUS slow breathing. This is like garlic that keeps away the vampire.



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Excellent, i feel the same :)

Sorta like when you are angry, higher frequency thoughts cannot possibly enter your field only when you have regained balance and raised your vibration via positivity you have access to higher thoughts and the happier and more at love(shall we say) you are the more creative ideas seem to flow in.

See Akashic Records for example isn't a place you can go too, its simply a universal library accessed via telepathy when you are vibrating at a high frequency thus the higher the consciousness the more knowledge from the records you freely access.

Notice when you take a psychedelic or practice meditation and spiritual focus often you have so more clarity of thoughts and universal function, nature, love ect.. everything makes sense, everything is simplified, you have the answers to your problems, all worries go away, ect... then when you are low you think life's pointless, boring, dull ect..

Unless we get ourselves moving and take what we learn into practice for a more permanent solution, we will keep fluctuating and using up vital energy.

I like to simply remind self to completely relax and surrender to what is this naturally slows breath and everything else down and raises vibrational frequency. Resistance causes illusion.

Edited by pluto


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