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Gabriel Antonio

Awakening The Divine Masculine [trip Report]

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Here’s the thing: most people worry too much on the Divine Feminine, but what about the Divine Masculine?


Here are some insights I got from an ayahuasca trip:


- There is always something to complain about… >> HUGE TRAP!

This is a classic way to run away from the present moment. There will always be something “not quite right.” This is Ego 1.1.

For example, in the beginning of my trip I was heavily thinking about food. “DUDE! I NEED EAT NOW!!!! Or else… I won’t strength.” This is all bullshit. Think about the many excuses you come up in your daily life to justify not being present.

Ín my case, my mind was in “complaining mode.” If it wasn’t for the food; it would be about something else. When I was able to let go completely, and forget myself in the present moment…. The magic happens.


- Use your body

I live in Brazil. A popular religion here is called Umbanda, which has African roots. I love there, because you can really be yourself. As Leo mentioned in a psychedelic video, you just don’t see how much more natural you can be in your body. This “european” style makes us too rigid. We got to loosen up…. Hahaha… How can you do this?


> Weightlifting

> Breathing exercises

> Yoga


There you go. These three practices are enough to get in touch with body once again. But it all starts with the breath. If you have a poor breathing, you will feel poor.

Shallow breathing = Shallow life


- Bear Boredom

During the trip, I was practicing mantras. However, there were moments that nothing “special” was happening. But I did not shy away from those moments; I actually stayed present even when it was emotionally difficult. This is the true meaning of resilience.


- Go Local

I got this idea from when I was living in California. I live in a very large city, so sometimes I wanna go places that are so far away… However, there are so many great things that are happening in my neighborhood.

I hate travelling long distances to take ayahuasca, so from now on, I am gonna focus on the place I have been going to, which is a close to my house.

Even though the “local” business might have problems, it is just so much better than giving your money to those crazy corporations, which is very similar to the ego structure. It just wants, and wants, and wants…. Never good enough… Always more…. Never satifisfied…

So, from now on, I will choose things that are near my house. The closer, the better. 




Overcoming shyness...

I have been heavily working on developing self-confidence. As a consequence, I got lots of insights about this topic! :D 


- Forget everybody else and focus on your body

This is for the people-pleasers: we generally focus too much externally. But the real thing is internal.

Remember!!!!! Nothing is that personal. Just because someone caughed, this doesn’t mean that person doesn’t like you.


Don’t help so much

Sometimes I want to help others so much that I end up wasting my energy. So, from now on, I will help people, but on a very small doses. I hope I remember this.


Be OKAY with mental discomfort

Most people shy away from conflict. But conflict is what make things memorable. When you are emotionally involved in something, you are vulnerable. However, in those moments, you will be part of something. In other words, even if you’re shouting at your mom, this “fight” can make you feel alive once again.



I love meditation and psychedelics. I love entering those deep states of peace. But what is the point of having all those “divine” experiences by myself? From now on, I committed to meditating LESS. I just don’t need that much of protection.

As Ram Dass said:



Do not BREAK the flux

A lot of shy people just get lost in his or her head. If you think of something, go and actually do it. IF you can’t at the moment, IT IS OKAY!!! Just don't get fixated. 


Just forget about it.

Oftentimes I want to do something “courageous”, but then I resist naturally becuase it is too much out of comfort zone. Then… I start ruminating. Cut that shit out! Become present again.


Start slowly

I am also working hard on dating and sexuality, and let me tell you: START SLOW! When you start to open yourself up, you will want to have sex crazily. Like you want to make up for the lost time. As Leo said in a video, “Neediness repels people.”

I have made the mistakes taking things too quickly. I almost got into fights because of that. One time I asked a friend of my friend about his relationships with drugs. And… man… he started to get aggressive. “YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW ME, DUDE!”

But anyway, you need to lose the caliber sometimes. Maybe you need some rejection, some criticism. IT IS FUCKING HARD, but it is WAAAAAY better living your life with contamined energy in your body.




!!!Come back!!!!! Planet Earth is Calling!!!

When I get into high stages your consciousness, I want to stay there forever and ever. But life is calling you. EARTH is calling. This is why I wrote Awakening the Divine Masculine. What lacks in our society is not necessarily the feminine energy, but a HEALTHY MASCULINE energy.

“Oh… I want to maitain my high vibes, so instead of interacting with people, creating material; I will sit alone in my room for as long as I want.” >>>> HUGE TRAP!!!!!!

WHen you release your energy onto the world, you receive tenfold. :)



Leo said in a video to do less shit. The advice for me is the opposite: do more shit. I have an extremely hard time being unproductive. So I am proactively allowing myself to have ZERO practices. Just be… 



It is actually a joy to become an Adult (the capitalized “a” is intentional). Many cultures do not prepare children to be independent adults, but co-dependend half-child half-adult. It is really twisted.

A matured adult loves responsibilities, because he or she can CARRY it. We are strong enough. So, projects out of your comfort zone (e.g., performing on a play for needy children) can help you stay centered in your life because there is a higher vision in your life.

You can say to yourself: “It’s okay if I am not feeling good at this particular place because there is a lot going on in my life.



I work, I practiced yoga, meditation, weighlifting etc… But I do all of them in small amounts. I do not place all my bills on just one thing, but on A LOT of things. We can really get lost if we focus on just one thing. My point is, “seriously, why do FIXATED on getting approval?” Other examples include dating, money, and academics. It is okay if you are not doing very well in a particular area of your life.

But, PLEASE, DO NOT START 20 different HABITS. "That ain't gonna work." Newbies often do this mistake over and over again... too many commitments... 


That's how you create new habits

You do them, and then you forget about improving anything for the rest of the day. You let go... Trust... Your subconscious is the one responsible for the big changes in your life.  You know one habit that could change your life completely in a matter of months? Daily cold shower first thing in the day. And bam! The rest of the day you will not focus on anything.



This has to do with the divine masculine. Establishing energetic limits. Gandhi once said, “I do not allow people to place their dirty feet on my clean mind.” As you spiritually purify yourself, people will start come up with even more projections. The trick is: CUT THAT SHIT!

Learn how to defend yourself.

“Oh you are too selfish.” > fuck that!

"Oh... you are being ruthless" > screw it

"Oh... you are not kind anymore" whatever... 

You probably care too much about others. This is a dysfunction and has to stop. It is extremely healthy to be criticized. Bear it with fierceness. Your little ego hates that. But it needs that. It needs to get desensitized



Expect people to criticize and not like you. When you start against the grain, and doing things that your mind is resisting, then this is the beginning of your Liberation. As Leo said in a video, "even your ways to be authentic are very inauthentic." Authenticity is freedom! 

The thing is I sometimes feel guilty to be direct to people. But this is fake kindness. It is much better to practice some old-fashioned masculine compassion, and BAM! The problem is not gone.


Did you have an enlightenement experience?

No, and I don’t even want to. Life is calling me. My LIFE PURPOSE has been presented in an ayahuasca trip two months ago, and NOW I know that enlightenement will happen anyways when I die, so I want to LIVE this life.

Work my ass off you know? But obviously with consciousness.

ALl this idea of enlightenement seems very obvious. I really don’t need that. I need more basic self-development. That is, lots of affirmations, visualizations, and meditation. I don’t need an extraordinary experience of unity. I am already it. Whether I want it or not, I am heaven’s highest divine, as Matt Kahn says. So why looking so muuuuch?


You are already enough. (a.k.a. you do not need other people to be happy) 

We always something else to make our experience “better.” But the trick is to train yourself to be your own entertainer. You don’t need external circumstaces to dictate how you feel. Yes, I am being serious here. The world can be collapsing before your eyes, but you are as intact as a rock.


Vipassana = Best meditation technique ever

Hehe, I am generic here. WEll, to me is the best one. Vipassana basically is body scan. You do not cling to any “pleasant” sensation; nor do you get aversed due to uncomfortable feelings.

In Vipassana, we train ourselves to be good scientists. We analyze our bodies. And this technique is a lifestyle really. For example, if you got a noisy baby, you can recognize that feeling of anger, or whatever you are feeling; BUT YOU DO NOT PLACE ANY SPECIAL ATTENTION ON ANYTHING. You keep analyzing the rest of the body. That’s it. Analyzing… Seeing… Scientific LENSES. No perosnal belifes, just the merely act of seeing as it is you already summoning awareness to the physical problem or mental problem, and that’s it all you  really need. Seeing as things are.



For some reason, I repressed “nerd” side. But this is actually so fucking good! You want to gain more knowledge about everything. There were others before you.

Being a nerd is having a deep desire to know more things. To learn. To understand.

Ignorance is not a bliss, but the source of all suffering.


WORK = Pleasure

Seriously, the only way to get real pleasure in life is through work. And by work, I mean anything. It can be cleaning your house, meditating, or really anything. However, it is better when it is something that you actually use your body. We need that. We have had enough of theories upon theories, Now let’s start LIVING!


Do NOT hold insights so tightly

Here is the greatest insight: be present. Haha. I know, the ego hates this idea. Why? Because the ego thrives on the past or on the future. If you are absolutely present, there is no ego. You become like a river. Chances are, you inner river is very polluted. But there is always hope haha. You gotta start cleaning that shit.

Move, shake, connect.

I am making sure I am writing down all the insights I got, but it is okay if I lose one. 



Mantras can guide you. In the beginning, it is boring (like everything healthy), but after a while you will see how your mind silents. 


Let things marinate

I just got out of the trip, and the thing is: I want to feel like healthy young dude. It is incredible how attractive I am seeing myself. And this is pure. It’s not ego stuff. I am actually doing things in this world. And that makes me feel so good about myself. Love, you know?

So… I am learning how to make stategic pauses between my daily self-development practices so that I can be raw, as I mentioned here it again.


Apologize Less

I have discovered that most of the times I say “I am sorry” to others, I -- as an ego -- am actually craving for the other person’s approval. If you feel like saying sorry, ok, but let go seriously. Things aren’t so seriously as you make them to be.

So keep the flow. Mistakes do not define you, and trust me: people are so busy in their daily lives that they forget what you did to them.

And let’s get straight here: we have a very short live here on Earth. It looks long, but actually it is just a matter of perspective. Life is like a blow… An inhale and an exhale. So, forget the past, and start living the present fucking moment. I don’t mean 5 minutes ago. I mean NOW. See?

The Now is not possible to grasp. You gotta live it. :)


Mental masturbation is endless

Life is filled with problems. We came here to EVOLVE, to DEVELOP ourselves. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. Do you have high tolerance from discomfort feelings? Or do you shy away from them and try to fabricate a “positive” experience.

Right now, I am giving you permission to drop your positivity bullshit that you listened in the past. The thing is, the real problem with negative self-talk is when it becomes an obsessive thought pattern. You ruminate it. You keep repeating to yourself something so many times that you forget that you are Human being. We are awesome, dude! We conquered the world. We do not even have physical advantages (expect for our beautiful thumb, which gives us great advantages). But somehow… we made it. How? Using our brain.

Train your brain. It will be discomfortable, but it is fucking worth it. Let me tell you: if your meditation sessions are very cozy, cut that shit out. It is supposed to be uncomfortable. And when there is no other way but to be strong, You begin your true Brilliance, and unlimited STRENGTH and Energy.


Remember your basic needs!!!

I am in state of such deep energy that I forget to eat, simply because I know that I don’t really feel hungry. So… I keep not eating. HOWEVER, this is very detrimental to my mental and physical health in the long term. So I have decided to allow myself to eat more than usual, since I am in a moment that I am getting kind of bored of food, but it is necessary.

If I fuck up my basic needs, all my “higher consciousness” desires will go to the thrash. I deserve, and you also deserve, to be attractive and have a decent-looking body, and also have good communication skills. Seriously… you deserve that. You deserve to have enough strength to challenge and face the world HEAD ON.


Be brief and dynamic

If you want to get a lot of audience, keep things short. If you want to get a specific, niche audience, allow yourself to take long. Most of us want the prize right away. However, it takes time to have amazing insights. That’s the thing I about it.

For example, I have not seen the two episodes about absolute infinity because “they’re too fucking long.” That was my excuse. I am likely missing a lot of good stuff, but at the same time I refuse to “force myself” to watch something. Trust me: the right moment always comes.

THINKING A LOT? Drop that shit you're thinking about it. Not important... 


You can never lose It

You are It. Whether you are dreaming or whether you are Awake, you are an angel.

As I was on the bus on my home, I was noticing how my body was contracting. I was being pulled into lower-consciousness physical posture. People have terrible postures. However, you can use this as counter-examples. Remember the video “How to Exploit People” You are only feeling extremely bad because you living in forgetfulness, as Thich Nhat Hahn puts it. You are suffering because you are recreating the suffering of your past. Cut that shit. Haha. You see? This is the masculine. Cutting shit out. No more weeds... Time to WORK! Time to BUILD like a fucking ANT! Be an example of dedication and conscious work. Work hard but in relaxed matter. 


I think those are the main insights. Mainly, I am focusing now on expanding my comfort zone. And really develop my own inner voice. What do you I really want?

Do I agree with what this “authority” said, or am I just following it blindly?  

Where is my authentic voice? 

Am I able to voice my needs more frequently? 



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