
Virtual Reality For Personal Development

3 posts in this topic

I have recently bought a VR headset with the primary use of designing and exploring my models in immersive environements (I am an Architect). I have also used it for visualization - of facing the things I am scared of. I have used it to simulate a packed auditorium where I'm giving a speech, I have used it to simulate a beach when I am meditating (just for the experience) - my regular meditation practice is free of VR. In all, I am using it to expose myself to new situations in accordance with the vision of my life. This makes me feel better prepared for situations otherwise I'm dreaded of. I am aware of the ill-effects VR can have on one's psyche, especially if overused - and am careful about that.

I'm curious about what other uses can Virtual Reality be used for other than visualization and training the subconscious mind, especially for Personal Development. What do you think?

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I wish there was an app developed just for this purpose... color therapy is another thing that VR could be used for.  Also eye training, whether to strengthen the eyes or to learn to keep them still for meditation, learn focusing techniques, etc. 



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