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Leadership, Companies And Self Growth (probably The Most Important Concept You Can Learn)

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Hey, today i want to present to you an idea that was passed on to me by watching various TED talks and other videos from Simon Sinek, if you haven't seen him, i STRONGLY  recommend to watch his stuff.

So the affirmation i made in the title is quite the strong one, and it applies to many facets of life, so what is it? 

First, an example: (taken from him)

Why is apple so succesful? there are many other computer and tech companies out there, so why time and time again has apple proven to be more creative and innovative? Well, lets compare 2 hypotetical advertizements from apple and another tech company.


We believe that intelligence is everything. And how do you get it? nowadays, internet. Introducing: apple wifi. apple wifi is the fastest wifi youll ever get, it counts with this and that benefits, and its done by this experts with this new technology.

Other company:

Ever had slow internet? well, not anymore! with our new fast-as-heck wifi you will get all the info you need in no time! no more waiting for the page to load!


whats the difference in this two? well, lets differenciate 3 parts from this ads:




now, 100% of companies know WHAT they are doing, its obvious. in the case of this ads, the second knows WHAT its selling, and maybe even how they make it, but they have no clue WHY. If you look at the apple ad, you are inmediately presented with a belief, a why for the product. This is SO VERY POWERFUL. quote taken by SImon: "People dont buy what you do, they buy why you do it".  You have to start with the why. In his talk, simon gives biological reasons of why having the why present at all times gets you going, customers buying your products, your employees happy with their company because they have a goal to work towards.


Now this is all very focused towards busieness, but if you've got through self-help content before you can start seeing the potential of this. Leo says that lack of purpose is the number one reason why people arent fulfilled, hate their jobs, and never become the best version of themselves. Its simpley because they have no reason to do the changes. OF COURSE its REALLY important to have a vision, on your company, on yourself, on ANY GOAL YOU HAVE you MUST have this 3 step process. Now, its is very important that your why goes FIRST. as explained in his talk, this gives you a sense of security, of continuety, and it is chemicaly made that way. If you think of a tribal group of thousands of years ago, they had to survive on nature only, so anything that didn't serve a purpose was quickly discontinued, and that still works that way, if you try to go to the gym just because you are told to, you will fail, you wil miss days, and you won't put the effort necessary for completion. 


Another point i want to touch on is leadership, merging this concept with another talk of his about leaders, and how a LEADER is the guy who is willing to put TIME and EFFORT in others when they need it the most. This is also chemicaly strengthen because in the wild, the alpha has to worry about others for the whole crowd to survive, and its no different in current times. By applying the "why" strategy, you can improve leadership in many ways, say, in a company, by letting your co-workers know their goal, or by making them feel safe, by looking out on them to the very edges of the company and the very noobish of employees, the company survives, and thrives. If you feel like your workers have your back you feel better, and you watch the back of others, making it into a cycle. This can also apply for self growth, for addiction for example, the last step of the 12 step program is to commit to help another addict. This reinforces the cycle, helping everyone. The human species is a SOCIAL one, so all mechanisms by wich social behaviour is enhanced, will get passed on and made stonger.


I'm sorry if i really didn't explain this as good as Simon, im no public speaker. I found a lot of value on his talk and wanted to both share it with you, and give you my thoughts on how it could apply to self growth. Go watch his talks and you will probably get deeper understanding. Thanks for reading til here, have a good one!

His talks:

The new generation problem and solution, and why innovation is on an all time low:


Leadership and both tribe and company dynamics: 


Leadership on a more personal approach:


There's more but i think this are his top 3.

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